

[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 凯尔西住所名称,来源于古英语,含义是“凶恶的,勇敢的+岛,洼地”(fierce,brave+island,lowlying land);[地名] [加拿大、美国] 凯尔西

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News reports on the role of dr. frances kelsey , fda medical officer , in keeping the drug off the u. , arouse public support for stronger drug regulation .
On wednesday , dr. margaret hamburg , commissioner of the food and drug administration , will honor dr. kelsey with the first caward .
That 's precisely the kind of cosmic awe environmental writer elin kelsey and toronto-based korean artist soyeon kim seek to inspire in kids in you are stardust ( public library ) - an exquisite picture-book that instills that profound sense of connection with the natural world .
Such businesses currently spend about $ 20 billion annually online -- including for ads on google 's search engine -- but are expected to shell out more than $ 35 billion by 2014 , according to bia / kelsey , a local-media advisory firm .
As regulators delay the release of bank stress-test results , experts wonder whether the exercise , meant to restore confidence in the banking system , will end up producing the opposite effect . Kelsey hubbard reports for marketwatch .
Facts such as these pepper " watching giants " , elin kelsey 's engaging portrayal of the lives and culture of whales .
The latest description , lead-authored by student kelsey c. james , was published in the journal zootaxa this month .
Kelsey , 16 said she 's attracted to a guy who is " cute , smart , honest , funny , and treats me great . "
To sustain facebook 's valuation , jed williams , an analyst with bia kelsey , said the company would need to grow revenue at 41 % each year in the next five years .