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- Her parents are larry norman kaye and mary elizabeth mclellan .
- 她的父亲是拉里诺曼凯耶,在她小时候常年服兵役。
- His wife , kaye , wanted him to fold it a year ago unless he could improve his results .
- 他的妻子凯(kaye)一年前还想让他把基金结束算了,除非他能改善基金业绩。
- In a dissent , chief judge judith kaye said the court failed to uphold its responsibility to correct inequalities when it decided to simply leave the issue to lawmakers .
- 另一方面,首席大法官judithkaye认为当法庭觉得简单的将问题抛给立法者时,它并没有履行职责去纠正不平等。
- Such discoveries have some important implications , walter kaye , m.d. , a professor of psychiatry at the university of california , san diego , and an anorexia researcher , explained during a recent interview .
- 加州大学圣地亚哥分校的精神病学教授,厌食症研究员walterkaye医生说这些发现有着非常深远的影响。
- To learn more about me , cheryl kaye tardif , check out my web site at http : / / www.cherylktardif . Com / .
- 想要进一步了解我谢莉尔凯伊塔迪夫,详见我的网站http://www.cherylktardif.com/
- Two weeks after his 28th birthday , my brother jason kaye was murdered in a back alley in edmonton , not far from the mustard seed church where he sometimes found respite .
- 28岁生日两周后,我的弟弟詹森凯伊在埃德蒙顿的一条后巷遇害,那儿离他时常借宿的芥末籽教堂不远。
- " Circuits that play a key role in reward or pleasure in the brain may be where the pathology in anorexia and bulimia , and in obesity , ultimately lies , " kaye speculated .
- “大脑中对奖励机制或快乐情绪扮演着核心作用的回路可能是导致神经性厌食,贪食,肥胖和撒谎的病理关键所在,”kaye推测。
- For more information about jason kaye , his death , the investigation and jason 's special gifts that we found in his apartment , please visit his memorial site at http : / / www.jaysporchmonkeys . Com / .
- 更多关于詹森凯伊本人、他的死亡、事件调查和我们在他住处发现的特别礼物的信息请访问他的纪念网站http://www.jaysporchmonkeys.com/
- Janice kaye is the operator of biblical-gifts.com , an online shop that specializes in exclusive hand-crafted products , made out of flowers & fruits grown in the land of the bible .
- 珍妮丝卡伊是网店biblical-gifts.com的老板,这家店专售高档手工制品,而且都是用圣经原地种植的花卉水果制成的。
- All too often , kaye observes , nobody asks what it would take to keep a key employee until the exit interview . "
- 凯伊发现,在离职面谈之前,几乎很少有人会主动去问,需要什么样的条件才能留住关键员工。