Jason 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Painstaking work by jason long of wheaton college and joseph ferrie of northwestern university provides another perspective .
- 惠顿学院的贾森龙和西北大学的约瑟夫费里埃用艰苦细致的工作为我们提供了另一番视角。
- A big car company would probably never hire a software guy like jason wolf to head up its north american division .
- 一个大汽车公司可能永远不会雇一个像贾森沃尔夫一样的程序员去领导北美汽车分部。
- Jason since then has shared much of his amazing geometric artwork with people around the world .
- 杰森此后将他这种令人惊异的几何艺术品与全世界的人们分享。
- Corporal jason dunham covered the grenade with a helmet and the helmet with his body .
- 下士杰森.邓翰用头盔和顶着头盔的肉身掩护了战友。
- Jason also says the bloc is choosing money over the basic rights of burma 's people , as many asean members have strong business interests in burma .
- 贾森还说,很多东盟成员国在缅甸有着很大的商业利益,因此把金钱置于缅甸人民的基本人权之上。
- Jason had been thinking the same thing .
- jason也一直在考虑同样的问题。
- Jason hiner of tech republic suggests it largely has to do with apple 's retail strategy .
- 技术共和国jasonhiner认为这很大程度上和苹果公司的零售战略有关系。
- Jason reed uses the accordion to keep the content of the entire website on one single page .
- jasonreed用一个手风琴把整个网站的所有内容放在一个页面里面。
- Cook and co-founder jason humphries think of howrandom as more of a social experiment than a business .
- cook和联合创始人jasonhumphries更愿意把howrandom看作一种社会实验而不是一种商业行为。
- You 're looking at 3d photographs by jason hawkes of sites around the uk .
- 您现在即将看到的是由詹森霍克斯在英国周边拍摄的3d摄影照片。