The next step , Juma says , is to translate knowledge into enterprise and find an international market for the resulting goods .
With rainfall-runoff relationship , we calculate regional produced flow , Through the analysis and calculation of the possible water volume to Juma River .
But the big challenge , says Juma , is teaching African children to use these technologies & and get the most out of them .
However , Juma has pledged that if the youngsters decide not to marry in a decade \'s time , he \'ll honor their request .
But , argues Juma , engineering projects can create jobs , provide clean water and good healthcare and deliver critical infrastructure for increasing agricultural productivity .
Juma writes ,“ Providing low-cost , high-speed Internet access to African universities will help Africa build the capacity it needs to solve its own problems .
Juma notes that in Africa , for instance , most donor assistance does not harness the world ’ s existing fund of knowledge for long-term development .
Juma calls for a “ new species of university ” that produces entrepreneurs who can “ transform ideas into business proposals and actual products and services ” .
Monica Juma , Kenya \'s ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union , says the IGAD leaders will make the case that urgent Security Council action is essential .
Linking higher education systems to local communities , and establishing a private sector that taps into regional or international markets provides the tools for long-term economic growth , Juma says .