Jamie 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Jamie leigh jones testifying in washington in 2007 .
- 2007年,杰米雷琼斯在华盛顿作证。
- However , jpmorgan 's ceo jamie dimon still struck a cautious tone about future economic growth .
- 不过,摩根大通首席执行官杰米戴蒙(jamiedimon)依然对未来经济增长持谨慎态度。
- Jamie was lisa 's best friend .
- 洁美是丽莎最好的朋友。
- Many believe that , just because you have watched a jamie oliver tv programme , you can walk into your nearest supermarket and have the confidence to produce a perfect three-course gourmet dinner .
- 因为观看吉米奥利弗的电视节目,许多人坚信自己可以走进最近的超市,并且有信心制作出一顿完美的包含三道菜的美食。
- Jamie carragher will again deputise .
- 杰米卡拉格再次代表参赛。
- They added jamie 's most recent book already had nutritional information per serving .
- 他们还补充说杰米最近的新书已经在每道菜里加上营养信息。
- Jamie goes to a prestigious school and is a good student .
- 杰米在一所有名的学校上学,是个好学生。
- As for articles , I 'm proud of a column I wrote for this magazine on november 6 last year on the economics of jamie oliver .
- 至于文章,我感到得意的是去年11月6日为本刊撰写的关于杰米奥利弗(jamieoliver)经济学的专栏。
- Mr lewis 's abrupt retirement overshadowed a bold management overhaul decreed just a day earlier by jamie dimon , jpmorgan chief executive .
- 刘易斯突然宣布的退休,令摩根大通首席执行官杰米戴蒙(jamiedimon)仅一天前做出的、大胆改组管理层的决定黯然失色。
- And jamie was your roommate ?
- 洁美是你的室友吗?