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- Afghans and iraqis were far more optimistic .
- 阿富汗人和伊拉克人则乐观的多。
- Iraqis have been rattled by the renewed violence .
- 伊拉克国内再次被最近一次的暴力事件弄得鸡犬不宁。
- Ordinary iraqis frequently express bored disdain for their ineffective , corrupt government .
- 伊拉克普通市民时常对他们的无能腐败政府表示厌烦地蔑视。
- The rampage shocked law-abiding iraqis and undermined confidence in the new order .
- 这些暴行沉重打击了守法的伊拉克民众,并削弱了国家新秩序的权威性。
- The americans delayed their exit and set about retraining the iraqis .
- 于是美国延缓了美军撤离的步伐,并着手重新训练伊拉克士兵。
- But those caught in iraq are swiftly handed over to the iraqis .
- 但是那些在伊拉克国内抓获的则迅速交给了伊拉克人。
- A series of car bombs and shootings in baghdad killed at least 14 iraqis monday and wounded more than 80 others .
- 伊拉克首都巴格达星期一遭受一连串汽车炸弹攻击和枪击造成至少14人死亡,80多人受伤。
- But iraqis are also pointing fingers at political parties .
- 但伊拉克人同时也将责任推到政党身上。
- Might america 's rapid exit force iraqis to accommodate each other ?
- 美国能快速的退出使用武力迫使伊拉克人互相调解的方式吗?
- The threat to his safety from iraqis infuriated by these photos is not theoretical .
- 被那些照片激怒的伊拉克人对他的安全威胁并不是理论上的。