
Hernandez 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He could be competing with javier hernandez to partner rooney in the potteries .
- 他可能在斯塔福德的比赛中与赫尔南德斯竞争上岗,争取成为鲁尼的搭档。
- His first stop was a photo op with one-month-old adeline valentina hernandez whitney and her father william whitney , 25 .
- 他首先停下来与一个月大的艾德琳瓦伦蒂娜赫尔南德斯惠特尼和她的父亲,25岁的威廉惠特尼合影。
- Proenza schouler designers jack mccollough and lazaro hernandez escorted dakota fanning , who wore an asymmetrical brocade dress .
- proenzaschouler设计师杰克麦克洛再造和拉扎罗埃尔南德斯陪同达科塔范宁前来他们身着不对称的织锦服饰。
- And now hernandez is taunting shaw .
- 现在赫尔南德斯在挑衅肖。
- Hernandez said it makes sense that her uncle even as a boy had a discerning eye .
- 赫尔南德斯说她的小叔子即使当时是个孩子眼光敏锐。
- In an interview with england 's guardian newspaper , xavi hernandez accented the size question .
- 在一份英格兰经理人瓜迪奥拉的报纸访谈中提到,哈维.埃尔南德斯强调了身高的问题。
- Police questioned hernandez last weekend - after she returned from a trip to disney world with the boy - and she made a taped confession , they say .
- 当周警察在hernandez和这个男孩去迪斯尼世界玩回来之后就审讯了她,而且他们表示她做了录音的认罪。
- Raul hernandez , assistant secretary at the philippines department of foreign affairs , said the philippines hasn 't been approached by the u.s. over basing an early-warning radar station there .
- 菲律宾外交部助理部长赫南德兹(raulhernandez)说,美方尚未就在菲建立早期预警雷达站一事与菲方进行接触。
- In 2012 , expect xavi hernandez to replace carles puyol as full-time captain of barcelona .
- 2012,我猜想哈维埃尔南德兹会取代普约尔,成为巴萨的队长。
- Inocenta hernandez got a close escape earlier this month when she narrowly escaped being swallowed by a sinkhole that suddenly appeared under her bed .
- 埃尔南德斯本月稍早死里逃生,因为她差点就要被突然出现在她床底下的下水洞给吞噬。