They 're the bedrock of family life , hardworking moms who feed and raise kids while their fathers are out roaming .
In fact , one in four millionaires pays a lower tax rate than millions of hardworking middle-class households .
Not so long ago their country was seen as one of those tirelessly hardworking emerging markets to be feared .
It 's time for democrats and republicans to act on this plan when they return in november so that we can help hardworking families and strengthen the middle class .
Earlier this week , I spent some time with the hardworking men and women of the american auto industry , who are busy writing a new chapter in america 's story .
And it plunged our economy into a crisis that put millions out of work , saddled us with more debt , and left innocent , hardworking americans holding the bag .
He added , " in this world , only when you have diligent , hardworking people will the nation 's economy grow . "
A classmate of his , however , said in reply , " you have done more for us than we have done for you , because you have instilled in all of us the hardworking spirit of the olympics . "