If our ancestors were also hardwired to respond more intensely to magnified stimuli , then it would make sense for that preference to find its way into their art .
That starts with figuring out what he hardwired me to do .
He was talking about inherited , hardwired behavior .
The company trades on its establishment image but is hardwired into the new york fashion scene .
So responses to rejection are hardwired into us , like responses to physical pain ?
The ability to laugh is innate , and we 're hardwired to laugh about a month or so after birth .
Some of us are hardwired for anxiety about mortality , while some of us just seem more comfortable with the whole deal .
Keeping things local and direct like this allows the society to evolve new behavior while avoiding the debilitating explosion in complexity that occurs with hardwired communication processes .
If such a policy goal were hardwired into the fed 's contract with the us congress , the central bank would not have an excuse to ignore asset and credit bubbles as it has done repeatedly in recent years .
But as the annual winter sea ice boundary retreats farther south , pack ice penguins may ultimately find themselves trapped behind a curtain of polar night for which they have no hardwired strategy .