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- Hara is now firmly ensconced in academia teaching documentary filmmaking at the university of osaka but he recently attended the sheffield docfest to introduce a screening of extreme private eros .
- 原一男现在是学术界的中坚分子,在大阪大学进行纪录片的教学工作,他带着本片参加了英国谢菲尔德纪录片电影节。
- That kind of queerness is easy to understand , for sure , and but for the grace of god gerald o hara would be having all those faults !
- 那种古怪是容易理解的,而且,老实说吧,要不是上帝保佑,杰拉尔德
- Although the japanese director kazuo hara has insisted that he is anything but a political filmmaker his 1974 documentary extreme private eros ( gokushiteki erosu : renka 1974 ) remains a fascinating snapshot of japanese society at a time of transition .
- 虽然日本导演原一男坚称自己绝对不是一个政治片导演,他1974年的纪录片《绝对隐私的性爱恋歌》仍然是过渡时期的日本社会的引人入胜的写照。
- They overestimate the influence they themselves have on development , " says hara estroff marano , author of a nation of wimps : the high cost of invasive parenting . " Parents lack trust in children 's desire to be competent and that nature will influence the course of development .
- 家长高估了他们对孩子成长的影响力”这是《懦弱之国:侵略性抚育的代价》的作者haraestroffmarano的观点,“家长不信任孩子自己会渴望竞争力,成长是水到渠成的过程。
- In " a nation of wimps : the high cost of invasive parenting " ( broadway ) , hara estroff marano argues that college rankings are ultimately to blame for what ails the american family . Her argument runs more or less as follows : high-powered parents worry that the economic opportunities for their children are shrinking .
- 在《废柴之都:过度呵护所引致的代价》(百老汇出版)一书中,哈拉埃斯特洛夫马拉诺强调高校排行制是折磨美国家庭的罪魁祸首,她的论调概括起来多少有点像这样:有权势的父母亲担心孩子可能抓住机遇的几率所剩无几。
- Kazuo hara : at that time in japan after the war lots of young people tried to achieve power by rebelling against the government .
- 原一男:战争结束后,当时日本的许多年轻人都试图通过反对政府来得到政权。
- The hara is also the oners physical center from which all major muscle groups symmetrically radiate .
- 丹田也是身体各重要肌肉群的对称中央.
- In " a nation of wimps : the high cost of invasive parenting " ( broadway ) , hara estroff marano argues that college rankings are ultimately to blame for what ails the american family .
- 在haraestroffmarano著的《懦夫的国家:介入式养育的高代价》一书中,她认为大学的排名正是美国父母心头的痛。
- One 's awareness radiates outward from the hara , bestowing equanimity , stability , and freedom from doubt and anxiety .
- 人的意识来自于丹田,要保持镇定和平和的心态,不要有焦虑和不安。