Gucci 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Louboutin retorts that granting a trademark to one or several colours , such as gucci 's stripes , is the same .
- 鲁布托反驳道,授权的商标是一种颜色或是多种颜色,其性质是一样的,比如古奇的条纹就是他的商标。
- The brand is very small compared to the group 's flagship gucci label .
- 与该集团的旗舰品牌gucci相比,这个品牌非常小。
- Darling there is a brand new gucci shop opening today .
- 亲爱的,今天有一家新gucci店开张。
- People are ridiculed if spotted with a fake gucci handbag .
- 如果发现你拎的gucci手提包是假的,别人就要笑话你。
- She works in the glitzy ginza district , near the new gucci building , where they 've arranged to meet .
- 她在繁都华市的银座工作,靠近新开的gucci旗舰店,因此他们便约在那里见面。
- Leather pads are rolled out when presenting handbags and monogrammed gucci robes can be found in the dressing rooms .
- 在展示手袋时,会铺开原料皮垫,而在更衣室则配备了缀有gucci字母的长衣。
- This rich chocolate brown of this gucci premiere gown is an underused color .
- 这种浓郁的巧克力棕色的古琦首映礼服是人们极少利用的颜色。
- Gucci is the first luxury brand to embrace the ipad , with not one but two applications .
- 古琦是首家用两种而不是一种应用程序利用ipad的奢侈品牌。
- Ppr 's french retail businesses have far lower profit margins and less promising growth prospects than gucci group and puma .
- 无论是盈利能力还是发展前景,比起古琦和彪马,ppr法国的零售业业绩都逊色不少。
- During the interview , she wore close-fitting jeans , gucci shoes and a pale scarf that did not cover her long blond hair .
- 在采访期间,她穿着紧身牛仔裤,古琦袜子和灰色围巾,围巾并没有盖住她的金色长发。