
Giuseppe 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In the words of giuseppe tomasi di lampedusa , for everything to stay the same , everything must change .
- 用朱塞佩托马西迪兰佩杜萨的话来说,为了使一样东西保持原样,就必须要做出改变。
- Giuseppe verdi , he insists , may have been a great opera composer but he was neither a great patriot nor a nationalist .
- 他坚持认为,朱塞佩威尔第本可以成为一位伟大的歌剧作曲家,而不是一个伟大的爱国主义者,也不是一个民族主义者。
- Giuseppe zocco , a venture capitalist at index ventures , says his research indicates that people watch mobile tv as much at home and in the office as during their commutes .
- 一位在indexventures公司的名叫giuseppezocco的风险资本家的研究表明人们在家和在上下班途中用来看电视的时间长短相差无几。
- In that , turner echoes the words of philip morrison and giuseppe cocconi , whose forward-looking 1960 paper in the journal nature laid the intellectual foundation for seti , the search for extraterrestrial intelligence .
- 在那当中,turner附和了philipmorrison和giuseppecocconi的观点,他们1960年发表在自然期刊上的有远见的论文奠定了外星智能探索(seti)的基础。
- But giuseppe verdi 's first work is rarely heard today .
- 但是居塞比威尔第的第一部作品现在很少有人听到。
- The giuseppe I have in mind is the proprietor of a small italian restaurant near my home in northern new jersey .
- 我说的朱赛佩是我家(新泽西北部)附近小型意大利餐厅的老板。
- Pique : to be honest it 's difficult to think of one for giuseppe !
- 皮克:说真的要评价吉瑟皮很难!
- Why did you have to be sick all your life , giuseppe ?
- 约瑟,为什么你要生病?
- Giuseppe rossi wants to stay and gain first-team experience with united next season , rather than join another club on loan .
- 罗西更希望下赛季留在球队获取一队比赛经验而不是被租借到另一家球队。
- Manchester united manager sir alex ferguson has admitted he is tempted to re-sign striker giuseppe rossi from villarreal .
- 曼联经理弗格森承认他有想过把罗西从比利亚雷亚尔签回。