
fireflies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Fireflies gleam among the leaves .
- 萤火在草间闪烁。
- Each blinking pattern is an optical signal that helps fireflies find potential mates .
- 每一个闪烁模式都是帮助萤火虫发现潜在配偶的光信号。
- My fancies are fireflies -- specks of living light twinkling in the dark .
- 我的幻想是一团萤火点点流光,在黑暗中闪烁。
- The stars are not afraid to a ear like fireflies .
- 群星不怕显得向萤火那样。
- Fireflies are familiar , but few realize that these insects are actually beetles , nocturnal members of the family lampyridae .
- 萤火虫大家都熟悉,但鲜有人知道这些昆虫其实属于甲虫,萤科家族的夜猫子。
- His films are not usually this serious , but " grave of the fireflies " is in a category by itself .
- 他执导的作品并非都带有如此严肃的主题,但这次的《萤火虫之墓》是进入了另外的主题范围。
- The japanese animated film " grave of the fireflies " is another rare film with the courage to walk this path .
- 日本动画电影《萤火虫之墓》是罕有的有勇气踏上同一条小径的另一部电影。
- Because it is animated and from japan , " grave of the fireflies " has been little seen .
- 因为这部影片是来自日本的动画电影,观看《萤火虫之墓》的人很少。
- Fireflies love moisture and often live in humid regions of asia and the americas .
- 萤火虫喜湿,常分布在亚洲和美洲的湿润地区。
- " Grave of the fireflies " is an animated film telling the story of two children from the port city of kobe , made homeless by the bombs .
- 《萤火虫之墓》(摄于1988年)是一部动画电影,讲述着来自日本海港城市神户的两个小孩,因为美军的炸弹袭击而无家可归的故事。