
Evan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Lisa and evan both work for a large company .
- 莉莎和伊凡都在一家大公司上班。
- Evan bayh , indiana 's democratic senator , is retiring ; republicans are keen to seize his seat .
- 印第安纳民主党参议员伊万贝赫马上就要退休了;共和党人们都在觊觎他的参议院席位。
- When do people always show , evan ? What are we doing ?
- 何时会有人一直出现呢,艾凡?我们要干嘛?
- Kathy and evan are now outside the store .
- 凯西和艾凡现在在那家商店外面。
- The rioting continued during the days after evan 's death but I was simply grieving for my son .
- 在埃文死后,骚乱持续了几天,但我只是在为自己的儿子而悲痛。
- Kathy and evan decide to visit the famous tivoli gardens .
- 凯西和艾凡决定参观著名的第凡尼乐园。
- Evan williams 's keynote was a painful bore to sit through , but the twitter ceo did make some news .
- 尽管坐在那里听evanwilliams的演讲实在是很无聊,但这位twitter的ceo还是给出了一些重要的新闻。
- Indiana 's evan bayh is baying for a reduction in the hefty fees to be imposed on manufacturers of medical devices , many of whom are based in his state .
- 印第安纳州的evanbayh则叫嚷着减少强加在医疗器械生产商们上的数额巨大的税款,因为这些厂大都在他的州中。
- One of the studies by dr. evan eichler and colleagues at the university of washington in seattle suggested how environmental factors might influence genetics .
- 研究小组之一,位于西雅图的华盛顿大学的埃文.埃奇勒和他的同事指出,环境因素可能影响遗传。
- Evan williams , chief executive of twitter , was also the founder of blogger , which was sold to google in 2003 for an undisclosed amount .
- twitter的执行总裁埃文威廉姆斯(evanwilliams)也是blogger的创始人,它在2003年以保密的价格出售给google。