John downey , 22 when he began his captivity and almost 43 when released , is now 76 .
Christina is practicing her bengali dialect when downey informs her that linc got away .
Lincoln , mahone and self pursue downey on foot , with linc way ahead of the other two .
Downey warns her that their chances of success has dropped substantially in the last day .
Outside , downey , scylla in hand , rejoins christina and says they 've got clean video from the bank of lincoln trying to access the post office box , and his fingerprints must be all over the shells from when he ransacked her hotel room .
When fecteau was told of his impending release , his first question was whether downey would be coming out , too .
Lives in a vintage venice wood-frame house that sits less than two blocks from the sleek offices of robert downey jr. , the american movie star who keeps it victorian on the big screen .