
Doritos 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When wal-mart calls asking for a joint promotion of , say , pepsi and doritos , as it did forthesuper bowl in february , pepsi can " respond in 24 hours , instead of six weeks . "
- 例如,当沃尔玛要求百事可乐与多力多滋举办2月份超级杯赛那样的联合促销时,百事能“在24小时内作出回应,而不再需要花费6周的时间”。
- Nabisco , doritos , coke and so on are all trademarked names .
- 纳比斯科,多滋,焦炭等,都是有商标的名称。
- In the film , made at wong 's home in the boston area , wong tries to prove he 's all-american by eating doritos and pizza - with chopsticks .
- 这段在wong波士顿家里录制的视频里,wong试图通过吃多利多和披萨证明自己是个彻头彻尾的美国人--而他吃这些的工具则是筷子。
- It 's not a bag of doritos , for which you can switch to a knockoff brand if they raise the price on you .
- 它不是一袋子玉米饼,那样如果他们要抬高价格的话你可以转向复制的商标。
- Men : men on a boy 's night out say about twenty words all night , most of which are " pass the doritos " or " got any more beer ? "
- 男人:男人们一起的夜晚,他们只说20个词,大多数都是“把薯片递过来”或者“还有啤酒么?”
- It has been said of him that he " would collaborate with anyone for a bag of doritos " ( a kind of crisp ) .
- 有人曾说他“愿意为了一包doritos(一种薯片)与人合作”。
- Several of its most valuable brands , such as pepsi and doritos , have lost strength or market share , or both .
- 公司旗下最有价值的若干品牌,比如,百事可乐和多力多滋都已经丧失了优势或者市场份额,甚至两者都已经不保。
- In a year when the most popular ads were a tearjerker from budweiser starring its age-old clydesdale horses and a puppy , along with a cheerios ad showing a breakfast-table exchange between father and daughter , slapstick ads like those from doritos felt out of place and dated .
- 过去一年中,最受欢迎的广告往往带有催人泪下的桥段,比如一群古老的克莱兹马和一只小狗出演的百威啤酒(Budweiser)广告,以及一段讲述父女两人交换早餐桌故事的麦片(Cheerios)广告。
- With the advent of newer , bigger advertisers – and esports has already seen big companies like dr. pepper , stride , red bull , doritos , alienware , qualcomm ( qcom ) , and intel ( intc ) get on board – these already significant prize pools will continue to go up .
- 随着更新、更多大牌广告商加入赞助电子竞技的阵营——目前已有胡椒博士(Dr.Pepper)炫迈(Stride)、红牛(RedBull)立体脆(Doritos)、外星人(Alienware)、高通(Qualcomm)和英特尔(Intel)这样一些大牌公司了——现在已经规模惊人的奖金池还会继续扩大。
- Never has a keyboard been more resistant to doritos crumbs .
- 实至名归,还没有一款键盘能像它那样有效对付Doritos玉米片碎屑。