Donner 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Led by brothers jacob and george donner , the group attempted to take a new and supposedly shorter route to california .
- 这支队伍由雅各布和乔治唐纳兄弟两人带队,计划走一条据说更近的新路前往加利福尼亚。
- Do you have a rash , donner ?
- 你出疹子了吗donner?
- George donner 's body is found , skull split open , his brain removed .
- 乔治唐纳的尸体被找到时,颅骨开裂,大脑已不知去向。
- What was the donner party ?
- 什么是当纳聚会呀?
- Donner , you haven 't done anything wrong .
- 哦,伙计,你没做错任何事。
- Wasn 't it around here thatthe donner party got snowbound ?
- 多纳党是否在附近被雪所困?
- Of the 89 original members of the donner party , only 45 reached california .
- 在最初出发的89个唐纳组织成员中,仅有45人最终到达了加州。
- Deleted scenes with commentary by director richard donner and writer richard wenk .
- 导演理查德唐纳和编剧理查德温克评论的删除片段。
- He has written elsewhere on the cold war , farming , the dangers of prions , the donner party and the life of john james audubon .
- 他的作品还涉及其它主题,如冷战、农业、朊病毒的危险、当纳聚会和约翰詹姆斯奥杜邦(johnjamesaudubon)。
- You know dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen comet and cupid and donner and blitzen .
- 你知道驰掣,舞者,腾耀,雌狐彗星,丘比特唐纳和闪击的名字。