
[ˌkrɪstʃɪˈænɪtɪ, ˌkrɪstɪ-]

Christianity 基督教
来自Christ, 基督。
Christianity 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Calvinist christianity has a culture of phenomenal industry .
- 基督教加尔文主义拥有瞩目的产业文化。
- The museum of georgian christianity is under construction .
- 这是正在修建中的格鲁吉亚基督教博物馆。
- I tried to come into christianity this way .
- 我也曾试图以自我控制的形式进入到基督教。
- Christianity has spread to every major language group in the world .
- 基督教已经蔓延到世界上每一个主要语言群体。
- Both judaism and christianity are promise-centered faiths .
- 允诺在犹太教和基督教的信仰中占据中心地位。
- But its relationship to christianity is similar to christianity 's relationship to judaism .
- 但是其和基督教的关系类似于基督教和犹太教的关系。
- A secretive sect fighting an ancient war to reveal explosive secrets about christianity .
- 在古老战争中的神秘教派揭发基督教的惊天真相。
- Celsus argued that christianity was incompatible with long-standing traditions of greek philosophy .
- 克理索认为基督教教义与沿袭已久的希腊哲学传统不相容。
- Everybody knows love is always spoken of in connection with christianity .
- 每个人都知道,谈到爱的时候总是会联想到基督教。
- In short to nietzsche christianity was an anti-life religion .
- 简言之,对于尼采来说,基督教是一种反对生命的宗教。