Boris 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The city 's mayor , eduardo paes , who will take the torch from boris johnson , has vowed 2016 will be an olympics like no other .
- 里约市长爱德华多佩斯将从鲍里斯约翰逊手中接过奥运火炬,他承诺将举办一场和以往不同的2016年奥运会。
- Who previously received this award include former german chancellor gerhard schroeder , the current serbian president boris tadic and the european commission president jose manuel barroso .
- 先前获得这一奖项者包括德国前总理格哈德施罗德、塞尔维亚现任总统鲍里斯塔迪奇和欧洲联盟委员会主席若泽曼努埃尔巴罗佐。
- The latest plan to build a hub in east london , dreamed up by boris johnson , london 's mayor , was until recently pooh-poohed .
- 最新的方案是由伦敦市长borisjohnson提议,在东伦敦修建一座枢纽机场,但一直反应平平。
- The engines for the company were constructed by the russian engineer boris lutskoy whose name was never mentioned as the company assumed the right to the patent to itself .
- 这家公司的引擎由俄罗斯工程师borislutskoy构建,公司宣称引擎的专利归戴姆勒独家拥有,却从未提起过borislutskoy这个名字。
- The government and boris johnson , london 's mayor , have encouraged firms such as facebook and twitter to expand their london operations .
- 英国政府和伦敦市长鲍里斯约翰逊(borisjohnson)都鼓励facebook和twitter等公司扩大其伦敦业务。
- The riots in england have turned into a test of competence for the government and for the city 's mayor , boris johnson .
- 英格兰骚乱已经成为对该国政府和伦敦市长鲍里斯约翰逊(borisjohnson)能力的考验。
- The voice of boris johnson , mayor , has boomed from station platforms warning of the imminent " huge pressure " on the transport system .
- 站台广播中传来伦敦市长鲍里斯约翰逊(borisjohnson)的声音,提醒人们交通系统很快将面临“巨大的压力”。
- We watched boris recording a song .
- 我们看着波瑞斯录一首歌。
- Tell your client , who can only be boris balkan .
- 告诉你的客户,也只可能是波利斯巴肯。
- What 's boris doing here ?
- 老布在这干嘛?