How would you characterize your marriage , mrs. billings ?
Mr. billings calls the emerging anti-hookah legislation a " top priority " for the lung association .
Observation on contraceptive effectiveness of billings ovulation method in women with missed abortion and hydatidiform mole .
Public communications researcher linda billings of the george washington university in washington d. c.maintains that the space community has not seriously considered questions of ethics , culture , and space law .
Groupon said gross billings for the quarter were $ 1.25 billion .
Do you have copies of the insurance billings and medical records ?
To punctually pay all billings rendered to the customer from time to time ;
Forty thousand bills go out an hour but if the centre gets hit with too many queries , billings are dialled down to reduce calls in .
Friendship is like earthenware : once broken , it can be mended ; love is like a mirror : once broken , that ends it . --- Josh billings .
They lobbied government to be allowed to issue new equity . They retained earnings , building up secret reserves : mr capie and mr billings show that actual capital was often twice the level of published capital .