Bezos 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Bezos later decided that amazon could sell more than books to its growing customer base .
- 贝索斯后来决定,亚马逊向不断增长的客户群体出售的不仅仅是书。
- Jeff bezos is channeling steve jobs .
- 杰夫贝佐斯正在继史蒂夫乔布斯后尘。
- Mr bezos saw these threats coming and prepared for them .
- 贝佐斯先生感到了这些威胁,他做好了准备。
- Bezos claims he doesn 't think defensively .
- 贝佐斯说他并不是出于守势考虑。
- Bezos has kept details of sales figures and profitability secret .
- 但bezos对其销售数字的明细和盈利状况依然守口如瓶。
- Bezos bought warehouses to hold a vast inventory so amazon could offer direct-to-consumer service .
- bezos买下仓库来承载大量的库存,这样亚马逊就可以提供直达消费者的服务。
- Bezos allowed readers to criticize products through reader reviews , and he built a faithful community of users .
- bezos允许读者通过读者心得来评论产品,他还为用户建立了一个可靠的社区。
- It is the only one of the three that has been led continuously by the same man , its founder jeff bezos .
- 它是三者中唯一一个自始至终由同一个人领导的公司由它的创建者jeffbezos。
- Like mr. jobs , mr. bezos continually pushes amazon in new directions .
- 同乔布斯一样,贝佐斯不断推动亚马逊朝新的方向前进。
- But in amazon 's earnings release , amazon 's ceo jeff bezos did open up a little bit about the company 's e-book business as a whole .
- 但在亚马逊的财报发布会上,亚马逊ceo杰夫贝索斯稍微透露了了一点点有关该公司电子书业务的整体运营情况。