

Belgian 变化形式
复数: Belgians

Belgian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yet belgian politicians are stuck in endless talks-about-talks .
- 不过比利时政客却深陷无止境的空谈。
- The third night was spent in the belgian farmer 's garden .
- 第三个晚上我是在比利时农夫的花园里度过的。
- Belgian jewellery manufacturers are buying more cut diamonds from israeli diamond merchants .
- 比利时珠宝生产商正向以色列钻石商购买更多的切割钻石。
- The design also includes smaller images of fries and other belgian touchstones .
- 该设计还包括较小的薯条图案及其他比利时的标志。
- It is also when belgian chocolate started earning its formidable reputation .
- 而彼时彼刻也是比利时巧克力开始获得了其令人钦佩的声誉。
- The honesty of the belgian and dutch debate can feel pretty brutal .
- 比利时和荷兰的直率的争论,让人感到相当无情。
- Some local belgian priests took fright , and had him arrested .
- 一些当地的比利时牧师却为之惊慌失措,并将他逮捕。
- There , her title bid was foiled by belgian kim clijsters .
- 在那场比赛中,她的夺冠梦想被比利时选手克里斯特尔斯挫败。
- Belgian politics became tribal , with each party championing its own linguistic agenda .
- 比利时的政治变成了部落族,各个党派都标榜自己的语言。
- In the land of magritte , art scarcely matches the surrealism of belgian politics .
- 在马格利特的故土,艺术也无法比拟比利时政治的超现实主义。