Bauchi 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The best broom so far has been the media , which havehighlighted the arrests such as those in lagosand bauchi .
- 目前最好的清理工具是媒体,就是媒体曝光了发生在拉各斯和包奇州的逮捕事件。
- The police fought back , killing , so they claimed , 39 militants in bauchi .
- 警察奋起反击,他们声称射杀了包齐州的39名武装分子。
- Polls in kaduna and bauchi , deemed the most volatile states , were postponed by two days to let extra troops be deployed .
- 在卡杜纳和包奇这两个被认为是最不稳定的州,为了部署更多的军队以备不测,选举被推迟两天举行。
- On february 16th an islamist group calling itself ansaru nabbed seven foreign construction workers from their compound in the state of bauchi .
- 2月16日,一个自称ansaru的伊斯兰组织在包奇州的一个建筑围地抓走了7名外籍建筑工人。