
n.宴会,盛宴( banquet的名词复数 );筵席
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- This fruit was popular in the past when it was consumed by members of the high society at banquets .
- 这种水果在过去很受欢迎,是上流社会的人们在宴会时经常食用的。
- Officials are anticipating a surge in demand during week-long national day holidays that start on october 1 and are a time of family celebrations and banquets .
- 官员们预计,国庆假日期间,需求会出现飙升,国庆节于10月1日开始,为期一周,是家庭聚会和宴请的时机。
- This is the season of official banquets , ahead of a week-long public holiday to celebrate the lunar new year , or spring festival .
- 现在距离春节还有一周时间,正是各种公务宴请的“旺季”。
- Last year , leaders told civil servants to adhere to a ' frugal working style , ' banning them from using public funding to buy luxury goods and from holding extravagant banquets .
- 去年,领导人要求公务人员改进工作作风,厉行勤俭节约,禁止用公款购买奢侈品和进行豪华宴请。
- They train themselves in various traditional arts , maintain many different relationships with men and they also entertain at business banquets or parties .
- 她们自学各种各样的传统艺术技艺,跟不同的男人们保持关系,并且有时候,她们还得在公司盛宴或聚会上进行表演。
- In july , for example , the eastern city of wenzhou banned the serving of delicacies such as shark 's fin and high-end liquor at official banquets .
- 比如,温州今年7月出台禁令,禁止在公务接待中提供鱼翅等高档菜肴以及高档酒。
- In the education ministry fresh flowers are being replaced by artificial ones ; across the board , banquets are being downscaled .
- 教育部的鲜花装饰现在都换作了假花,部门宴会规模也有了全面的缩减。
- As he tours the country , he has made much of avoiding the usual elaborate banquets .
- 他在全国各处考察时,极力避免让地方像往常一样大摆筵席。
- So I wasn 't exactly breaking new ground with the baijiu banquets in " river town . "
- 所以我在《消失的江城》中描写的baijiu(白酒)宴席算不上是开辟新领域。
- The banquets are said to cost a total of hk $ 15 million ( us $ 1.93 million ) .
- 这个婚礼据说耗资1500万港元(合193万美元)。