It may seem like braddock and elaine robinson are the main characters , but the headliner was anne bancroft .
It was one of a series of movies in which he played a tough-guy secret service agent named brass bancroft . It wasn 't one of reagan 's more memorable pictures .
In 2007 he brilliantly exploited weaknesses in the bancroft family to seize dow jones and the wall street journal , but apparently failed to notice that the newspaper business was collapsing .
In the us , mr murdoch 's new york post and fox newsare public statements of his personal , political and business interests and biases , not run in the bancroft family spirit of public trusts .
A turning point came yesterday after a bancroft family trust that holds around 9 per cent of dow jones 's voting shares dropped its push for a higher price . Instead , the denver trust agreed to back the deal after receiving assurances that the family 's fees would be paid as part of the deal .
The latest salvo came this week when seven of the wall street journal 's beijing correspondents sent a letter to the bancroft family , which controls dow jones , arguing that mr murdoch had a " well-documented history of making editorial decisions in order to advance his business interests in china " .
As the bancroft family gave up its 105-year control of the company , statements from all sides highlighted the centrality of the issue to the family 's deliberations , to mr murdoch 's pitch , and to the long-term business fortunes of dow jones and its flagship brand , the wall street journal .