1904 Lawn tennis association of australasia founded six australian state tennis associations and the governing body in new zealand formed the lawn tennis association of australasia - creating of australian open tennis history .
David graddol , the author of english next , says it is tempting to view the story of english as a triumph for its native speakers in north america , the british isles and australasia but that would be a mistake .
The process started when british and american english diverged , but it has continued since with many ' new englishes ' in australasia , the caribbean , and africa .
The impact of humans on wildlife is likely to increase in australasia and the pacific islands .
Nufarm is one of the world 's largest " off-patent " agricultural chemical manufacturers with a presence in australasia , europe and the americas .
The asian development bank in its annual outlook , released on tuesday , notes that the region defined here essentially as asia excluding japan and australasia grew at its fastest pace in 11 years in 2006 .
The forthcoming transit will take place on 5-6 june 2012 , but only the final stages will be visible from the uk . The entire event will be seen from eastern asia and australasia , the pacific ocean and the north-western parts of north america .