


Antwerp 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This month , an air freight service to antwerp was inaugurated .
- 本月,重庆开通了至安特卫普的航空货运服务。
- N may 2004 , a queue of barges began forming in a windswept corner of the port of antwerp .
- 2004年5月,比利时安特卫普港一个刮着大风的角落开始出现一个驳船长队。
- The head-and-neck trial was conducted by jan vermorken of the university of antwerp .
- 头颈癌试验是由安特卫普大学的简佛蒙肯(音译,janvermorken)实施的。
- Good evening , antwerp police.may we come in for a minute ?
- 晚上好,安特卫普警察。我们可以进来在一分钟?
- The answer was to block certain estuaries leading to antwerp and rotterdam .
- 做法是阻塞一些特定的通往安特卫普和鹿特丹的河口。
- The olympic motto first appeared officially in 1920 antwerp games .
- 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现。
- It first flew over an olympic stadium at the 1920 antwerp games .
- 首先在1920年的安特卫普奥运会的奥运馆上空飘扬。
- Two of opel 's nine factories are thought to be especially vulnerable : bochum in germany and antwerp in belgium .
- 欧宝9家工厂中的两家最有可能遭裁减:一家位于德国波鸿,另外一家位于比利时的安特卫普。
- Bruno gryseels of the institute of tropical medicine in antwerp fears that blanketing regions with medicines will make bugs drug-resistant .
- 安特卫普热带药物研究院的brunogryseels则担心重复发放这些药物会使这些区域的害虫会产生抗药性。
- In photographs , antwerp 's newest museum , with its helter-skelter stack of enormous cantilevered boxes , looks worryingly exhibitionistic .
- 照片中,采用巨大悬臂箱杂乱堆叠的安特卫普的最新博物馆看似令人担忧的风头主义。