[ˈænˌdʒu:, ɑ:ŋˈʒu:]

[ˈænˌdʒu, ɑŋˈʒu]

Anjou 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And how much more secure will you be with anjou ?
- 那你和安茹在一起又能有多少安全保障?
- The duke of anjou is still a catholic .
- 安茹公爵依旧是个天主教徒。
- Elizabeth I really enjoyed the duke of anjou , and called him her " little frog " .
- 伊丽莎白一世真正享有公爵黄金梨,而他称她为"小青蛙".
- A city of western france east-northeast of nantes . Of pre-roman origin , angers was the historical capital of anjou . Population , 136038 .
- 翁热法国西部一城市,位于南次东北偏东。建立在罗马时代以前,曾是安茹的历史都城。人口136,