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- STEVE EMBER : The lithographic process was invented in the late eighteenth century by the German writer Aloys Senefelder .
- 平版印刷工艺是在18世纪末,由一位名叫阿罗斯·塞尼菲尔德的作家发明的。
- On 13 December 2005 , judgment was rendered in the case of Aloys Simba , a retired lieutenant colonel and former member of Parliament .
- 2005年12月13日,对前议会议员退休中校阿洛伊斯·普通辛巴案作出判决。
- The pity is that aside from Sir Richard Branson , who is investing in alternative fuels , there are no real British equivalents of Aloys Wobben .
- 可惜的是,除了理查德布兰森爵士,谁是替代燃料的投资,有没有真正的阿洛伊斯Wobben英国等值。
- Trial Chamber I found Aloys Simba ( retired lieutenant colonel , former member of parliament ) guilty of genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity and sentenced him to 25 years ' imprisonment .
- 第一审判分庭判定AloysSimba(退伍中校,前议员)犯有灭绝种族罪这一危害人类罪,判处其有期徒刑25年。