Af 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Chronic af ablation : individualized ablation strategy .
- 慢性房颤导管消融的个体化策略。
- Maze surgery , the gold standard surgery for af , is one of the earliest non-pharmaceutical therapies .
- 迷宫手术是最早的房颤非药物治疗方法之一,被称为外科治疗房颤的金标准。
- Now , new findings suggest that some people with af who also have other heart disease risks may be more likely to develop memory problems that may make daily living more difficult .
- 现在,新的发现表明许多患有房颤的患者也有患其他心脏疾病的风险,而且更有可能罹患记忆障碍,这将导致日常生活更加困难。
- An estimated 2.3 million adults in the united states hae af , and that number is expected to increase substantially as the population ages , making identification of modifiable risk factors important .
- 估计在美国有230万成人伴有房颤,并且预计该数值实际随着人口年龄老化会增加,对可缓和危险因子的鉴别非常重要。
- 17 A spent shuttle solid rocket booster is moved into hangar af at cape canaveral air force station in florida , where it will be cleaned .
- 17一个废弃航天飞机固体燃料火箭推进器正被运进佛罗里达州卡纳维尔角空军基地的af机库内进行清理。
- The af uses a conventional micro motor .
- 对焦系统采用的是传统的微型马达。
- An af sensor module with 39 effective focus points .
- 39个有效对焦点的自动对焦感应器模组。
- Af flight 321 be a direct flight to rome .
- 法航321班机是去罗马的直达班机。
- Af the first three games were absolutely magnificent performances .
- 弗格森爵士:前3场比赛绝对是有不错的表现。
- Lenders of hunan province were present af forum .
- 湖南省领导亲临论坛。