A3 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- We hope you can grant us a3 % discount for any order of more than 100 bales .
- 我方希望对于任何超过100包的订单你方能给予3%的折扣。
- Mount the work samples and assignments on stiff , a3 board .
- 将作品样本及作业固定在a3硬质板上。
- In that case we may consider giving you a3 % commission .
- 这样的话,我们可以考虑给你3%的佣金。
- Effect of angelica a3 active fraction on anti-inflammation and cyclooxygenase-2 expression of isolated rat uterus .
- 当归a3活性部位的抗炎作用及其对大鼠离体子宫环氧化酶-2表达的影响。
- We were glad to see the a3 arrive stateside , and especially glad to see a clean-diesel option for 2010 .
- 大家都很高兴看到a3驰骋在美国的道路上,尤其是能在2010年看到这样一款无公害柴油汽车。
- Moody 's downgraded sony 's ratings by a notch to baa1 from a3 and panasonic 's ratings by a notch to a2 from a1 .
- 穆迪将索尼评级从a3下调一个级别至baa1,将松下评级从a1下调一个级别至a2。
- The government wants a3 % inflation rate , but is this a feasible objective ?
- 政府希望通货膨胀率为3%,但这个目标能达到吗?
- For example , they might mistake a3 for an 8 , because the numbers looked similar .
- 例如,他们可能把3和8弄混,因为这两个数字看起来很相似。
- Select cell a3 and click conditional formatting on the format menu .
- 选择单元格a3并单击“格式”菜单上的“条件格式”。
- All price , fob or cif , include a3 % commission for you .
- 所有价格,无论是船上交货价还是到岸价,都有您的3%佣金。