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- I 'd fly to addis ababa to cover a famine , or to sarajevo to cover the preparations for the winter olympics , armed with only about eight names and telephone numbers .
- 我或许去addisababa(注1)记录饥荒的场景,或许会去sarajevo(注2)报道冬奥会的筹办情况,身上只要带着几个人名和电话号码。
- The sudanese delegation in addis ababa seemed to suggest that sudan would accept non-african troops in darfur , if there were not enough african troops on offer .
- 亚的斯亚贝巴的苏丹代表团隐约提到,如果非盟无法提供足够的非洲军队,苏丹会接受非洲以外国家的军队进驻达尔福尔。
- Big cities , such as zambia 's lusaka and congo 's kinshasa , have fertility rates below four ; the rate in ethiopia 's addis ababa is probably just two .
- 赞比亚的卢萨卡和刚果的金沙萨这样的大城市里,每个家庭的子女数不到4个;而在埃塞俄比亚的亚的斯亚贝巴,这个数字可能只有2。
- I warned qaddafi in addis ababa that action would be taken against any ugandan king who involved himself in politics , because it was against our constitution .
- 早在亚的斯亚贝巴的时候我就警告过卡扎菲,哪一个乌干达部落国王想要涉足政治的话,人们都会群起而攻之,因为那不符合我们的宪法。
- She is unlikely to be let out again before the poll as she could , some say , pose a real threat to the eprdf in addis ababa and other cities .
- 在投票前她不太可能被释放出来,因为她能,像一些人说的那样,给亚的斯亚贝巴和其它城市的埃革阵构成真正的威胁。
- That helps ethiopian and kenya airways , since their hubs ( addis ababa and nairobi ) make convenient stopping-points en route to asia .
- 这将对埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚航空公司有利,因为由它们的航班枢纽中心(亚的斯亚贝巴和内罗毕)为飞往亚洲途中提供了方便的中停点。
- Addis ababa , accra , luanda , may be fetid in parts-shockingly so for those coming from richer countries-but they have low fertility .
- 亚的斯亚贝巴,阿克拉,罗安达,也许部分地方恶臭难闻那些富有国家的人对之难以容忍但他们的生育率很低。
- A new aphorism has emerged in addis ababa to describe africa 's rapidly shifting relations with the outside world .
- 亚的斯亚贝巴出现了一句描述非洲与外界迅速变化关系的新说法。
- Scientists from the university of addis ababa who are working on the project will undertake collaborative research visits to the uk .
- 参与这个项目的亚的斯亚贝巴大学的科学家将到英国进行合作研究访问。
- Mr gbagbo refused to go to the addis ababa meeting , perhaps afraid that he would be prevented from coming back .
- 也许是惧怕他会有去无还,巴博先生拒绝了参加亚的斯亚贝巴的会议。