
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-19  



Report - 报告,通常用于报案。

Filing a report - 提交报告,即报案。

Crime - 犯罪。

Police station - 警察局,报案地点。

Incident - 事件,可能需要报案的情况。

Theft - 盗窃,一种常见的需要报案的犯罪。

Assault - 攻击,另一种需要报案的犯罪。

Fraud - 欺诈,可能需要报案的经济犯罪。

Vandalism - 破坏,涉及财产的犯罪。

Robbery - 抢劫,严重的犯罪行为。

Burglary - 入室盗窃。

Cybercrime - 网络犯罪,涉及网络的犯罪行为。

Witness - 证人,可能需要提供证词的报案人。

Victim - 受害者,报案的主体。

Emergency - 紧急情况,可能需要立即报案的情况。

Investigation - 调查,报案后的程序。

Legal proceedings - 法律程序,报案后可能涉及的司法程序。

Detective - 侦探,负责调查犯罪的警察。

Law enforcement - 执法机关,负责处理报案的机构。


When I witnessed a burglary in progress, my heart raced with fear and adrenaline. I knew I had to act quickly to ensure the safety of myself and others. Without hesitation, I reached for my phone and dialed the police. I reported the crime, providing them with as many details as I could remember: the time, location, and a description of the suspects. The dispatcher was calm and reassuring, guiding me through the process until the officers arrived. My quick action not only helped the police to respond swiftly but also played a part in apprehending the criminals. Reporting a crime is a civic duty that can make a significant difference in our community's safety.



❶ 您能描述一下您的钱包吗?Can you describe your purse?

同类表达 How much money was inside? 里面有多少钱?

这样回答 Yes. It's green. 好的,我的钱包是绿色的。

❷ 我需要一份关于这起偷盗案的报告。I need a report on this theft.

同类表达 Please write up a report on this theft for me. 请给我写一份有关被盗经过的报告。

Please give me a summary about this theft. 请概括一下被盗经过。

❸ 现在再仔细想想,你最后一次带钱包是在什么时候?Now think it again. When did you take your purse last time?

这样回答 I can't remember. 我记不起来了。

❹ 我们找到后会跟你联系的。We'll call you if we find it.

同类表达 If we find it, we'll give you a call.

In the case that we find it, we'll notify you.

❺ 填写这张表格并留下联系电话。Please fill out this form and leave a phone number where we can reach you.

对话 A: Please fill out this form and leave a phone number where we can reach you. 填写这张表格并留下联系电话。

B: OK. Thank you so much. 好的,真是太感谢了。

❻ 嗯,这有点儿难办了。Well, this makes the thing tough.

同类表达 Things could be worse. 事情可能会更糟。

❼ 我要报一起盗窃案。I want to report a burglary.

同类表达 There is a robbery in progress! 有人正在抢劫!

❽ 听说有人捡到了我的护照。I'm informed that someone has found my passport.

同类表达 I was told that my purse had been found and handed here. 听说我的钱包被人找到并送到了这里。

I wonder if anyone has turned in a passport. 我想知道是否有人交来一本护照。

❾ 请填一下失物单。Please fill out the lost property form.

同类表达 You'll have to fill out this form. 你得填一下这个单子。

❿ 你会调查这起案件吗?Are you going to investigate this crime?

同类表达 Aren't you even going to ask me about what was in my wallet? 你都不问我钱包里面有什么吗?