
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-19  



1. insurance - 保险

2. insurance policy - 保险单

3. insurance premium - 保险费

4. insurance company - 保险公司

5. insurer - 保险人

6. insurance broker - 保险经纪人

7. insurance underwriter - 保险承保人

8. insurance applicant - 投保人

9. insurant, the insured - 被保险人

10. life insurance - 人寿保险

11. car insurance - 汽车保险

12. home insurance - 家庭财产保险

13. health insurance - 健康保险

14. travel insurance - 旅行保险

15. liability insurance - 责任保险

16. comprehensive insurance - 全险

17. term life insurance - 定期人寿保险

18. whole life insurance - 终身人寿保险

19. accidental death and dismemberment insurance - 意外死亡和残疾保险

20. critical illness insurance - 重大疾病保险


A: I'm considering getting some insurance for my new car. Can you recommend a good company?

B: Sure, I'd suggest checking out XYZ Insurance. They have competitive rates and excellent customer service.

A: Great, I'll look into that. What kind of coverage should I get?

B: At the very least, you should get comprehensive and collision coverage. It's better to be safe than sorry.

A: That makes sense. How much would that cost me?

B: It depends on the value of your car and your driving history, but you can get a quote online or call them for a more accurate estimate.

A: 我在考虑给我的新车买保险。你能推荐一个好的保险公司吗?

B: 当然,我建议你查看一下XYZ保险公司。他们的价格有竞争力,客户服务也很好。

A: 好的,我会去看看的。我应该买哪种保险?

B: 至少你应该购买全险和碰撞险。安全总比后悔好。

A: 有道理。那会花我多少钱?

B: 这取决于你的车的价值和你驾驶历史,但你可以在线获取报价或打电话获得更准确的估计。


The Importance of Insurance

In today's world, insurance has become an essential part of our lives. It provides a safety net for individuals and businesses alike, offering protection against unforeseen events that could lead to financial loss. Whether it's life insurance, health insurance, or property insurance, each type serves a unique purpose in safeguarding our well-being and assets.

Life insurance, for instance, ensures that our loved ones are taken care of financially in the event of our death. This can alleviate the burden of funeral expenses and provide ongoing financial support for dependents. Health insurance, on the other hand, helps cover the costs of medical treatments, reducing the financial strain on individuals and families during times of illness.

Property insurance is crucial for homeowners and businesses, as it protects against damage or loss due to natural disasters, theft, and other unforeseen incidents. This type of insurance can save individuals from the devastating financial impact of rebuilding or replacing their property.

In conclusion, insurance is a vital tool for managing risk and ensuring peace of mind. By investing in the right coverage, we can secure our future and the well-being of those who depend on us.








❶ 我在这家保险公司买了人寿险。I assured my life with this insurance company.

❷ 我们没有保险了。We are without insurance.

对话 A: We are without insurance. 我们没有保险了。

B: Let's buy some at the weekends. 周末去买些吧。

❸ 我要上全险。I'd like full insurance.

对话 A: What kind of insurance do you need? 您想要哪种保险呢?

B: I'd like full insurance. 我要上全险。

❹ 他给自己投了人身保险。He is insured against death.

对话 A: He is really a far-sighted man. 他是个有远见的人。

B: Why do you say so? 为什么这样说呢?

A: He always plans for the future. He is insured against death. 他总是为将来打算。他给自己投了人身保险。

❺ 保险公司要评估风险。The insurance company will assess the risk.

同类表达 The insurance company will base their quote accordingly. 保险公司会根据情况报价。

❻ 别忘了续交保费。Remember to renew your insurance.

对话 A: Honey, remember to renew your insurance. 亲爱的,别忘了续交保费。

B: Thank you for your reminding. 多谢提醒。

❼ 能告诉我车险的保费率吗?Can you tell me the premium rate for car insurance?

对话 A: Can you tell me the premium rate for car insurance? 能告诉我车险的保费率吗?

B: It depends on the car's price and other details. 这取决于车的价格和其他细节。

❽ 如果我要索赔,该做些什么?What should I do if I have a claim?

这样回答 Log into your account and fill out our online claim form. 登录你的账户,填写网上索赔单。

The insurance company is responsible for the claim as long as it is within the scope of cover. 只要在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。

❾ 我看一下你的保险凭证好吗?May I have look at your proof of insurance?

对话 A: May I hav look at your proof of insurance? 我看一下你的保险凭证好吗?

B: OK. 好的。

❿ 买了这份保险,我的家庭就有了经济保障。My family will be financially secure if I take this insurance.