
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-18  



1. encourage 鼓励

2. motivate 激励

3. inspire 鼓舞

4. uplift 提升

5. boost 增强

6. spur on 激发

7. cheer up 高兴起来

8. rally 团结起来

9. support 支持

10. praise 表扬


Person A: I'm really nervous about my presentation tomorrow.

A: 我明天的演讲真的很紧张。

Person B: You've prepared well, and I've seen you do great in practice sessions. You can do this!

B: 你准备得很充分,我在练习中也看到你表现得很棒。你能做到的!

Person A: But what if I forget what to say or mess up?

A: 但如果我忘了说什么或者出错怎么办?

Person B: Everyone gets nervous, and it's okay to make mistakes. Just take a deep breath and remember, you've got this!

B: 每个人都会紧张,犯错误也没关系。深呼吸一下,记住,你可以的!

Person A: Thank you for the encouragement. I'll try my best.

A: 谢谢你的鼓励。我会尽力的。

Person B: You don't just try, you succeed. I believe in you!

B: 你不只是尽力,你一定会成功的。我相信你!


The Power of Encouragement 鼓励的力量

In the tapestry of life, encouragement is the thread that weaves together hope and achievement. It is a simple act, yet it carries the potential to transform a person's outlook and propel them towards their goals. Encouragement is not just about boosting someone's confidence; it's about believing in their abilities and showing them that they are capable of more than they think.

As a student, I've often found myself doubting my abilities, especially when faced with challenging tasks. However, it was the words of encouragement from my teachers and peers that have been the wind beneath my wings. They've told me that I am capable, that I can overcome obstacles, and that I should never give up. These words have been a source of strength, helping me to push through difficult times and achieve success.

Encouragement is not just about words; it's about action as well. It's about providing support, offering guidance, and being there when someone needs a helping hand. It's about celebrating small victories and acknowledging the effort put in, even when the outcome isn't perfect. Encouragement fosters resilience and instills a sense of self-belief that can carry a person through life's ups and downs.

In conclusion, the power of encouragement should not be underestimated. It's a gift that can change lives, inspire dreams, and unlock potential. Let us all be bearers of this gift, spreading positivity and uplifting those around us.






❶ 振作起来!Cheer up!

同类表达 Pull yourself together.

Keep your chin up.

❷ 别放弃!Don't give up!

同类表达 You're nearly there! 你就要成功了!

❸ 试试看。Just give it a try.

同类表达 Just give it a shot.

Let's take a chance.

对话 A: Dad, I cannot hit that baseball. 爸爸,我击不中那个棒球。

B: Don't worry, just give it a try. 别担心,试试看。

❹ 好好干!Get a hold of yourself!

同类表达 Do your best!

Do a good job!

❺ 勇敢点儿!Go for it!

对话 A: Should I ask her out? 我是不是该约她出去?

B: Yeah, go for it! 是呀,勇敢点儿!

❻ 我想我能帮上忙。I think I can help with that.

同类表达 I think I might be able to do something about that.

Maybe I could help in some way.

❼ 我来想想办法。Let me see what I can do.

对话 A: I cannot save the document in the U disk. 我不能把文件保存在U盘里。

B: Let me see what I can do. 我来想想办法。

❽ 那真帮了大忙了。That'd be a big help.

对话 A: I've already fixed up your fridge. 我已经把你的冰箱修好了。

B: That'd be a big help. Thanks a lot. 那真帮了大忙了。多谢。

❾ 不用费心了。Don't bother.

同类表达 Don't worry. I can handle it. 不用担心,我能处理。

对话 A: Why don't you let me help? 干吗不让我帮忙呢?

B: Don't bother. I can fix it up. 不用费心了。我自己能搞定。

❿ 如果您能帮我,我会非常感激。I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out.

同类表达 I'd really appreciate your help.

对话 A: I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out. 如果您能帮我,我会非常感激。

B: Let me have a try. 我试试吧。