
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-02  



1. Are you okay? I'm here for you. 你还好吧?我会一直在的。

2. Don't worry, everything will be fine. 别担心,一切都会好的。

3. Time heals all wounds. 时间能治愈一切。

4. I can understand your feelings; I feel the same way. 我能体会你的感受;我感同身受。

5. Don't be so miserable. 别这愁眉苦脸的。

6. Let's look on the bright side. 我们来看看它好的一面。

7. Now, now! / There, there! 好了!好了! (别再难过/哭伤心了吧。)

8. Keep trying! Don't give up the ship. 继续努力! 别轻易放弃!

9. Every cloud has a silver lining. 再黑暗的地方也有一线光明。

10. Oh no! How could it be like this? 唉! 怎么会这样子呢?

11. Loosen up! It's not worth getting upset about. 放松点儿!不值得为这件事苦恼。

12. Win a few, lose a few. That's life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。

13. Keep your chin up. 别灰心。

14. My heart bleeds for you. 我也为你感到伤心。

15. There are plenty more fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草。

16. Pull yourself together. 振作起来。

17. Hang in there. Things will get better. 坚持住,情况会好起来的。

18. Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. 别太操心了,没有你地球照样转。

19. Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon. 别为此烦恼。事情很快就会过去的。

20. That's the way the cookie crumbles. 事情就会这样子,改变不了的。

21. When god closes a door, he opens a window. 山不转水转。

22. Things are never as bad as they seem. 事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。

23. C'est la vie! (法语) / That’s fate! 人生就是这样! 只能说是“命”啦!

24. Take heart- we'll find a way out. 振作起来,我们会有办法的。

25. Tomorrow is another day. 明天又是新的一天。

26. It's not as bad as all that. 事情没有那么糟。

27. This is not the end of the world. 还没到世界末日(先别太绝望)。

28. Keep smiling! Things will calm down. 乐观一点,事情会平息下来的。

29. Better luck next time! 希望你下回运气好一点!

30. Cheer up! Things will work out for the best. 高兴点儿!事情会有好结果的。


A: Hi, I heard you're going through a tough time lately. How are you holding up?

A: 嗨,我听说你最近过得挺不容易的。你还好吗?

B: Yeah, it's been pretty rough. I lost my job and I'm feeling really down.

B: 是的,确实很艰难。我失业了,感觉非常低落。

A: I'm so sorry to hear that. Remember, you're not alone. We're all here to support you.

A: 听到这个我很难过。记住,你并不孤单。我们都在这里支持你。

B: Thanks, I appreciate it. It's just hard to stay positive right now.

B: 谢谢,我很感激。只是现在很难保持积极。

A: I understand. But remember, every cloud has a silver lining. You'll find a new opportunity soon.

A: 我理解。但记住,每朵乌云都有银边。你很快就会找到新的机会。

B: You're right. I need to stay strong and keep moving forward.

B: 你说得对。我需要保持坚强,继续前进。

A: That's the spirit! And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.

A: 这就是精神!如果你需要有人倾诉,我在这里。

B: Thank you so much. Your words really help.

B: 非常感谢。你的话真的很有帮助。


The Power of Comfort

In life, we all face challenges and setbacks that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disheartened. It is during these times that the power of comfort can make all the difference. Comfort comes in many forms, whether it's a warm hug, a listening ear, or a few words of encouragement.

When a friend or loved one is going through a tough time, it's important to offer them comfort. A simple "Are you okay? I'm here for you" can be a powerful statement that lets them know they are not alone. It's a reminder that they have a support system and that they can lean on others during their time of need.

Moreover, it's essential to be empathetic and understanding. Telling someone "I can understand your feelings; I feel the same way" can help them feel validated and less isolated. It's a way of saying, "I'm with you in this journey, and I understand what you're going through."

Sometimes, the best comfort comes from a positive outlook. Encouraging someone to "Look on the bright side" or reminding them that "Every cloud has a silver lining" can help them see that there is hope and that better days are ahead.

In conclusion, the power of comfort is immense. It can lift someone's spirits, provide strength during difficult times, and remind us all that we are not alone in our struggles. Let's not underestimate the impact of a kind word or a supportive gesture; it can truly make a difference in someone's life.








❶ 别着急。Take it easy.

对话 A: Oh my god, I forgot to take the ticket. 天啊,我忘记带票了。

B: Take it easy. 别着急。

❷ 没什么大不了的。It's not a big deal.

同类表达 It happens to the best of us. 这种事谁都会遇到。

对话 A: Sorry, I broke your glass. 对不起,我把你的杯子打碎了。

B: It's not a big deal. 没什么大不了的。

❸ 没什么。Never mind.

同类表达 Don't worry about it.

It's okay.

Forget about it.

That's all right.

❹ 别责备自己了。Don't blame yourself.

对话 A: It's all my fault! 都是我的错。

B: Don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了。

❺ 常有的事。It happens.

同类表达 It happens to everyone.

对话 A: Don't worry, it happens. 别担心了,那是常有的事。

B: I still think it's my fault. 我还是认为这是我的错。

❻ 别想得太多。Don't give it another thought.

对话 A: You're welcome to stay. 您就住下吧。

B: I don't want to put you out. 我不想给您添麻烦。

A: Don't give it another thought. 别想得太多。

❼ 会有办法的。It'll work out.

对话 A: I don't know what to do! 我不知道该怎么办!

B: I'm sure it'll work out. 我相信会有办法的。

❽ 一切都会好起来的。Everything is going to be OK.

同类表达 Everything will be fine. 一切都会顺利的。

❾ 别为这事儿烦恼了。Don't get upset about it.

同类表达 Don't let it get to you.

Don't take it to heart.

❿ 那不是你的错。It's not your fault.

对话 A: Sorry, I screwed up the party. 对不起,我把聚会搞砸了。

B: Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault. 别再责备自己了,那不是你的错。