
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-26  



Regret - 后悔

Remorse - 懊悔,悔恨

Feel remorseful - 感到懊悔

Have second thoughts - 重新考虑,犹豫不决

Wish in vain - 空想,徒劳无益

If only... - 如果...就好了

Rues the day - 为某事感到非常后悔

Live with the consequences - 承受后果

Bitter pill to swallow - 难以接受的事实

Learn from one's mistakes - 从错误中学习


Person A: I really regret not studying harder for the exam.

Person B: It's okay, everyone has moments of regret. What's important is to learn from it and do better next time.

A: 我真的很后悔没有为考试更努力地学习。

B: 没关系,每个人都有后悔的时候。重要的是从中学习,下次做得更好。

Person A: I wish I had taken up that job offer last year. Now it's too late.

Person B: If only you had known then what you know now. But there will be other opportunities.

A: 我希望去年接受了那份工作。现在太晚了。

B: 如果你当时就知道现在知道的事情就好了。但总会有其他机会的。


The Bitter Taste of Regret

In life, we all make decisions that we later come to regret. It's a bitter pill to swallow when we realize that our choices have led us down a path we didn't intend to travel. Regret is a powerful emotion that can linger for years, reminding us of the moments when we had the power to change our destiny.

One such moment for me was when I turned down a scholarship to study abroad. The opportunity seemed daunting, and I chose the comfort of staying close to home. Now, as I watch my peers embark on exciting adventures and gain invaluable experiences, I can't help but feel a pang of regret. I often find myself thinking, "If only I had been braver," and I live with the consequences of that decision every day.

However, I've learned that regret can also be a catalyst for change. It's a reminder that we are not static beings; we can grow and evolve. Instead of dwelling on the past, I've decided to use my regret as motivation to pursue new goals and take risks that I might have otherwise avoided. I've enrolled in language classes, joined a travel club, and started networking with professionals in my field. These steps may not erase my past regrets, but they are paving the way for a future filled with fewer "if onlys."






❶ 我不该这么多嘴的。I should have kept my mouth shut.

对话 A: I should have kept my mouth shut. 我不该这么多嘴的。

B: You have said that so many times! 你已经说过很多次了!

❷ 我后悔那样做。I regret doing that.

同类表达 I am sorry for what I have done.

I regret my actions.

❸ 我别无选择。I had no choice.

同类表达 I had no other choice.

There was nothing else I could have done.

It was my only choice.

对话 A: Why did you leave so early yesterday? 你昨天怎么走得那么早?

B: I had no choice. 我别无选择。

❹ 我真不该那样。I shouldn't have done it.

对话 A: I really screwed up this time. I shouldn't have done it. 这次我真的搞砸了。我真不该那样。

B: It's too late now. 现在后悔也晚了。

❺ 真希望我没那么做。I wish I hadn't done that.

同类表达 How I wish I hadn't done it! 我要是没那么做就好了!

I should never have done that. 我真不该那么做。

❻ 做那种事,我也太不小心了。It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing.

同类表达 It was hasty of me to do so.

❼ 我那么做真是太不小心了。It was careless of me to do so.

对话 A: It was careless of me to do so. 我那么做真是太不小心了。

B: Don't blame yourself. 不要责怪自己了。

❽ 真希望时光能倒流。I wish I could turn back the clock.

同类表达 I wish life has an undo key. 真希望世上有卖后悔药的。

❾ 我做得太过分了。I went too far.

同类表达 I crossed the line.

I went over the line.

对话 A: You shouldn't have done that. 你不该那样做。

B: I know, I went too far. 我知道,我做得太过分了。

❿ 我后悔没听你的劝告。I regret not having taken your advice.

对话 A: How did the test go? 考试怎么样?

B: I regret not having taken your advice. If only I had studied harder, I would pass it. 我后悔没听你的劝告。我要是再用功点就能过了。