
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-14  



  • KTV - 卡拉OK酒吧

  • karaoke - 卡拉OK

  • private room - 包厢

  • microphone - 麦克风

  • song list - 歌曲列表

  • sing along - 跟唱

  • karaoke session - 卡拉OK演唱会

  • music system - 音响系统

  • lyrics display - 歌词显示

  • party atmosphere - 派对氛围


  • Let's go to the KTV this weekend and have a fun karaoke session. (这个周末我们去KTV,开心地唱卡拉OK吧。)

  • The private rooms at this KTV are beautifully decorated and equipped with high-quality sound systems. (这家KTV的包厢装饰精美,配备了高质量的音响系统。)

  • Singing karaoke is a popular way for people in China to relax and unwind after a long day. (在中国,唱卡拉OK是人们在一天结束后放松身心的流行方式。)

  • The karaoke bar was filled with enthusiastic singers enjoying the party atmosphere. (卡拉OK酒吧里挤满了热情洋溢的歌手,享受着派对氛围。)

  • KTV has become a social gathering place where friends come together to sing, laugh, and create wonderful memories. (KTV已经成为一个社交聚会场所,朋友们在这里聚在一起唱歌、笑着,留下美好的回忆。)


KTV, short for Karaoke Television, is a popular form of entertainment in many Asian countries, including China. It provides a fun and interactive way for people to showcase their singing talents in private rooms equipped with karaoke systems. Friends and family gather in KTV venues to sing along to their favorite songs, enjoy snacks and drinks, and create memorable experiences together. The vibrant atmosphere, colorful lights, and extensive song selections make KTV a favorite destination for social gatherings and celebrations. Whether it's a casual night out with friends or a special occasion, KTV offers a unique and enjoyable experience for everyone.



❶ 我们喜欢听她唱歌。We enjoy her singing.

对话 A: She sings very well. 她唱歌很好。

B: Yes, we enjoy her singing. 是啊,我们喜欢听她唱歌。

❷ 我想点首歌。I'd like to request a song.

对话 A: I'd like to request a song. 我想点首歌。

B: Let me help you. 我帮你。

❸ 从目录里选首歌吧。Choose a song from the catalogue.

对话 A: Choose a song from the catalogue. 从目录里选首歌吧。

B: Thanks. But I am not good at singing. 谢谢,但是我不擅长唱歌。

❹ 这里歌曲选择真多。There is a large selection of songs.

对话 A: How did you find this KTV? There is a large selection of songs. 你怎样找到这家KTV的?这里歌曲选择真多。

B: My friend recommended it to me. 我朋友推荐给我的。

❺ 来个二重唱吧。Let's sing a duet.

对话 A: How about singing it together? 一起唱怎样?

B: Let's sing a duet. 来个二重唱吧。

❻ 我不知道最近有什么新歌。I can't keep up with the new songs.

对话 A: Which song do you want to sing? 你想唱哪首歌?

B: I can't keep up with the new songs. Maybe some old songs. 我不知道最近有什么新歌,也许唱些老歌吧。

❼ 她有一副好歌喉。She has an exceptional voice.

对话 A: My sister is a Mic Queen. She has an exceptional voice. 我姐姐是麦霸。她有一副好歌喉。

B: I hope I can have the chance to sing with her. 真希望能和她一起唱歌。

❽ 我不敢在大家面前唱歌。I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people.

对话 A: How do you like going to the KTV? 你喜欢去KTV吗?

B: Not very much. I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people. 不怎么喜欢。我不敢在大家面前唱歌。

❾ 对不起,我五音不全。Sorry, I'm tone-deaf.

对话 A: Will you join us to go to the KTV? 你和我们去KTV吗?

B: Sorry, I'm tone-deaf. 对不起,我五音不全。

❿ 我不擅长唱歌,只能滥竽充数。I am not good at singing. I'm just to make up the number.