
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-29  



- Flash marriage: 闪婚

- Whirlwind romance: 闪电恋爱,通常指恋爱期非常短,但感情强烈的关系

- Hasty marriage: 草率婚姻,指没有深思熟虑就决定结婚的情况

- Shotgun marriage: 奉子成婚,通常指因为女方怀孕而匆忙结婚的情况

- Marry in haste, repent at leisure: 匆忙结婚,慢慢后悔,这句谚语提醒人们不要急于结婚,否则可能会后悔。


A: Have you heard about John and Lily? They just got married last week.

A: 你听说约翰和莉莉的事了吗?他们上周刚结婚。

B: Really? That was so sudden. How long have they been dating?

B: 真的吗?那太突然了。他们约会了多久?

A: Just a couple of months. It's a classic flash marriage.

A: 只有几个月。这是典型的闪婚。

B: I hope they know what they're doing. Flash marriages can be risky.

B: 我希望他们知道自己在做什么。闪婚是有风险的。

A: True, but sometimes love happens fast and you just have to take the leap.

A: 是的,但有时候爱情来得快,你就得抓住机会。

B: I guess you're right. As long as they're happy, that's what matters.

B: 我猜你说得对。只要他们幸福,那才是最重要的。


❶ 爱情跟着感觉走就对了。Love means just following the emotions.

对话 A: What should I do? 我该怎么做?

B: Love means just following the emotions. 爱情跟着感觉走就对了。

❷ 闪婚很适合我。Flash marriage is just what I want.

同类表达 Flash marriage is not my thing. I need more time to get to know him. 闪婚不适合我。我需要更多时间来了解对方。

❸ 闪婚有助于我们节省时间和金钱。Flash marriage helps us save time and money.

同类表达 I'm in favor of flash marriage. It helps us save time and money. 我赞成闪婚。它有助于我们节省时间和金钱。

❹ 如果两个人不够了解,婚姻很难维持下去。If the couple don't know each other very well, it's very hard to keep the ball rolling.

对话 A: Tom married Betty after they met ten days. 汤姆和贝蒂认识十天就结婚了。

B: If the couple don't know each other very well, it's very hard to keep the ball rolling. 如果两个人不够了解,婚姻很难维持下去。

❺ 如果有机会结婚,我想越快越好。If I have the chance to get married, I think the sooner the better.

同类表达 I think getting married later is better than earlier for being older means we are more mature. 我认为晚婚比早婚好,因为我们更加成熟了。

❻ 虽然我们约会还没多久,但我已经爱上她了。Although we haven't been dating too long, I'm in love with her.

同类表达 I'm having the feeling that he's the one though I don't know him for a long time. 虽然我们认识的时间不长,但是我感觉他就是我要找的人。

❼ 这样的婚姻会持久稳定吗? Will such a marriage be long-term and stable?

同类表达 Do you think the marriage will last long? 你觉得这婚姻会持久吗?

❽ 很多女性员工选择做“闪孕族”。Many female employees choose to be in“the rush-to-get-pregnant tribe”.

对话 A: It's said that many female employees choose to be in“the rush-to-get-pregnant tribe”. 听说很多女性员工选择做“闪孕族”。

B: Yes, they are afraid of being fired. 是的,她们害怕被开掉。

❾ 听说托尼和贝蒂闪婚了。It's said that Tony and Betty had a flash marriage.

对话 A: It's said that Tony and Betty had a flash marriage. 听说托尼和贝蒂闪婚了。

B: Yes, it shocked me. 是的,吓我一跳。

❿ 尽管我们刚认识三周,我觉得她就是我的另一半。Though we've just known each other for three weeks, I believe she is the one.