
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-06  



Disease: 疾病

Illness: 疾病,病症

Symptom: 症状

Fever: 发烧

Cough: 咳嗽

Headache: 头痛

Sore throat: 喉咙痛

Stomachache: 胃痛

Nausea: 恶心

Fatigue: 疲劳

Allergy: 过敏

Infection: 感染

Contagious: 传染性的

Treatment: 治疗

Medication: 药物

Doctor: 医生

Hospital: 医院

Vaccine: 疫苗

Recovery: 康复

关于疾病的英语对话 带翻译

A: Hey, you don't look well. Are you feeling okay? 嘿,你看起来不太好。你感觉怎么样?

B: I'm not feeling well. I have a headache and a sore throat. 我感觉不舒服。我头痛还喉咙痛。

A: Oh no, that doesn't sound good. Have you seen a doctor? 哦不,听起来不太好。你看过医生吗?

B: Not yet, but I'm considering it if the symptoms persist. 还没有,但如果症状持续下去我会考虑去看的。

A: That's a good idea. It's better to get professional advice. Take care of yourself and get well soon! 这是个好主意。最好得到专业的建议。照顾好自己,早日康复!

关于疾病的英语作文 带翻译    

Disease is a reality that everyone may face. No matter how healthy and cautious we are, diseases always play a certain role in our lives.

Disease is an imbalance in physical and mental health. It can be caused by various factors such as viruses, bacterial infections, genetic factors, environmental factors, and so on. Diseases can range from mild, like the common cold, to severe, such as cancer or heart disease.

Diseases bring many troubles and challenges to our lives. They can cause physical pain and discomfort, as well as affect our emotions and mental well-being. Diseases can also have negative impacts on our social interactions and work.

However, in the face of diseases, we should not despair. The advancement of modern medicine and technology provides us with better treatment methods and preventive measures. Meanwhile, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as balanced diet, moderate exercise, and good sleep, can help reduce the risk of illness.

It is important for us to stay vigilant about diseases and seek medical help promptly. Early detection and treatment often yield better results. Additionally, we should care about the health of others and provide support and assistance to those in need.

In conclusion, diseases are an inevitable part of reality. We should face them positively and take corresponding measures to protect our own and others' health. Through reasonable precautions and a proactive attitude, we can coexist with diseases better and pursue a healthier and happier life.








❶ 我肚子疼。I have a stomachache.

同类表达 I suffer from the abdominal pain. 我腹痛。

My stomach aches very badly. 我肚子疼得厉害。

❷ 我有点反胃。I have an upset stomach.

同类表达 I feel nauseous.

I feel sick to my stomach.

❸ 我上吐下泻。I have vomiting and diarrhea.

同类表达 I feel like vomiting. 我快吐了。

这样提问 What symptoms do you have?

❹ 按这里会痛吗?Does it hurt when I press here?

这样回答 I have a dull pain. 隐隐作痛。

I have a sharp pain. 钻心地疼。

I have a throbbing pain. 一跳一跳地疼。

I have a piercing pain. 像针扎似地疼。

❺ 我的胃从来没有这么痛过。I have never had such a serious stomachache.

同类表达 It's beyond my tolerance. 痛到我无法忍受。

It's the most serious stomachache I have ever had. 这是我胃痛最严重的一次。

❻ 我早上打篮球时脚踝受伤了。I hurt my ankle when playing basketball this morning.

同类表达 My ankle got injured. 我脚踝受伤了。

I sprained my ankle. 我崴脚了。

I tripped and scraped my knees. 我绊倒了,擦伤了膝盖。

❼ 你双腿有多处割伤和擦伤。You have got cuts and bruises on your legs.

同类表达 If the injured area is dirty, clean it first. 如果伤口不干净,要先清洗。

❽ 我们需要有人献血给他。We need somebody to donate blood to him.

同类表达 He needs blood donation. 他需要有人献血给他。

❾ 第一步要先拍X光片确定是哪一类骨折。The first step is to take an X-ray to see what the fracture pattern is.

同类表达 Let's get your arm X-rayed and see whether it is broken or not. 我们给你的手臂拍一下X光片,看看它是不是断了。

❿ 我的腿严重刺痛。I have a sharp pain in my leg.

同类表达 My left ankle swelled up. 我的左脚踝肿了。
