
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-12  



Anxiety - 焦虑

Stress - 压力

Worry - 担忧

Nervousness - 紧张

Panic - 恐慌

Unease - 不安

Restlessness - 不安

Overwhelm - 压倒

Fear - 恐惧

Phobia - 恐惧症

Anxiety disorder - 焦虑症

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) - 广泛性焦虑症

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - 强迫症

Social anxiety - 社交焦虑

Performance anxiety - 表现焦虑

Agoraphobia - 广场恐惧症

Anxiety attack - 焦虑发作

Coping strategies - 应对策略

Relaxation techniques - 放松技巧

Mindfulness - 正念


A: I've been feeling really anxious lately. I can't seem to shake off this feeling of unease.

B: That sounds tough. Have you tried any relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation?

A: 最近我一直感觉很焦虑。我似乎无法摆脱这种不安的感觉。

B: 听起来很艰难。你尝试过任何放松技巧,比如深呼吸或冥想吗?

A: I've been trying to manage my stress, but it's been overwhelming.

B: It's important to take breaks and give yourself time to recharge.

A: 我一直在试图管理我的压力,但它太压倒性了。

B: 重要的是要休息一下,给自己时间充电。

A: I'm really nervous about my upcoming presentation.

B: It's normal to feel nervous, but remember that preparation can help reduce anxiety.

A: 我对即将到来的演讲感到非常紧张。

B: 感到紧张是正常的,但记住,准备可以帮助减少焦虑。


Anxiety is a common emotion that can manifest in various forms, from mild worry to severe panic attacks. It's essential to recognize the signs of anxiety and develop coping strategies to manage it effectively.


Firstly, identifying the triggers of anxiety is crucial. These can range from work-related stress to personal issues. Once identified, it's possible to develop strategies to address these triggers, such as setting realistic goals, delegating tasks, or seeking support from friends and family.


Secondly, practicing relaxation techniques can help reduce anxiety levels. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation are all effective methods to calm the mind and body.


Lastly, seeking professional help when anxiety becomes overwhelming is important. Therapists and counselors can provide guidance and support, as well as recommend treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication.


In conclusion, while anxiety is a normal part of life, it's essential to address it proactively to maintain mental health and well-being. By recognizing its signs, developing coping strategies, and seeking help when needed, one can effectively manage anxiety and lead a more balanced life.



❶ 我焦虑得睡不着。I am too anxious to sleep.

对话 A: Why do you stay up late? 你为什么还不睡觉?

B: I am too anxious to sleep. I'll make a speech tomorrow. 我焦虑得睡不着。明天我要做个演讲。

❷ 我很紧张。I'm a nervous wreck.

同类表达 I am too nervous.

对话 A: I'm a nervous wreck. 我很紧张。

B: Trust me. You will be fine. 相信我,你会没事的。

❸ 我觉得如坐针毡。I'm on pins and needles.

同类表达 I have ants in my pants.

❹ 我对结果感到紧张不安。I'm nervous about the outcome.

对话 A: I'm nervous about the outcome. 我对结果感到紧张不安。

B: Calm down. You're the best. 镇静点,你是最棒的。

❺ 别慌,慢慢来。Don't panic and take your time.

同类表达 Take it easy. 放轻松。

❻ 她的表情流露出一些焦虑。Her expression showed some anxiety.

对话 A: She was nervous about her score. 她很紧张她的成绩。

B: Yes. Her expression showed some anxiety. 是的,她的表情流露出一些焦虑。

❼ 别紧张,你已经练习过很多次了。Relax, you have practiced it many times.

对话 A: I'm so nervous right now. 我现在非常紧张。

B: Relax, you have practiced it many times. 别紧张,你已经练习过很多次了。

❽ 我真的很担心这次工作面试。I'm really anxious for this job interview.

同类表达 I really worry about this job interview.

对话 A: I'm really anxious for this job interview. 我真的很担心这次工作面试。

B: Relax, you can do it very well. 别紧张,你可以做得很好。

❾ 我对我的将来有些茫然。I'm insecure about my future.

同类表达 I have some confusion about my future.

对话 A: I'm insecure about my future. 我对我的将来有些茫然。

B: Me, too. 我也是。

❿ 你对自己所做的事没把握。You're insecure about what you're doing.

对话 A: Why am I worried about the future? 我为什么担心未来呢?

B: You're insecure about what you're doing. 你对自己所做的事没把握。