
英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-11  



Performance - 表演

Stage - 舞台

Audience - 观众

Actor/Actress - 演员

Play - 戏剧

Concert - 音乐会

Dance - 舞蹈

Rehearsal - 排练

Applause - 掌声

Standing ovation - 起立鼓掌


The performance last night was absolutely amazing. 


The actors delivered their lines with such emotion, it brought tears to my eyes. 


The concert hall was packed with enthusiastic audience members. 


The standing ovation lasted for several minutes after the final curtain call. 


The dancers moved gracefully across the stage, captivating the audience with their skill. 




Performing is an art form that communicates the creativity and emotions of artists to the audience through music, dance, drama, and other forms. It is not only a form of entertainment but also a medium of cultural exchange. Through performances, audiences can experience the charm of different cultures and enhance their understanding and appreciation of art. In performances, artists present their works to the audience after repeated rehearsals and careful preparations, bringing them joy and inspiration. Therefore, performing is a charming and meaningful artistic activity that plays an important role in the development of society and culture.


❶ 歌剧就要开演了。The opera is ready to start.

对话 A: I'm so sorry that I'm late. I was caught by traffic. 真抱歉我迟到了。路上堵车了。

B: The timing is perfect. The opera is ready to start. 时间刚好。歌剧就要开演了。

❷ 你喜欢坐得离舞台近还是远?Do you prefer to sit near to or away from the stage?

❸ 我喜欢精彩的余兴节目。I love the wonderful sideshow.

对话 A: The performance is wonderful. 表演很精彩。

B: I love the wonderful sideshow. 我喜欢精彩的余兴节目。

❹ 他的舞蹈通常很有表现力。His dance is often expressive.

对话 A: He is famous for his dance. 他因为舞蹈而出名。

B: His dance is often expressive. Whenever I see him performing on TV, my eyes are glued to it. 他的舞蹈通常很有表现力。每次在电视上看到他的表演,我整个人就被吸引了。

❺ 我更喜欢通俗艺术。I love popular art more.

对话 A: I'm glad you came. You'll love the show. 很高兴你能来。你肯定会喜欢这个演出的。

B: I'm afraid I won't enjoy it. I love popular art more. 恐怕我欣赏不了这个。我更喜欢通俗艺术。

❻ 听管弦乐团演奏真是太棒了。It's great to hear the orchestra playing music.

❼ 体育馆爆满,他们都是来看演唱会的。The stadium was so full and they were all for the concert.

对话 A: The stadium was so full and they were all for the concert. 体育馆爆满,他们都是来看演唱会的。

B: The singer is so popular. 这个歌手很红。

❽ 我欣赏杂技演员,因为他们付出很多努力。I respect acrobats because they have paid a lot of efforts.

❾ 那些惊险的表演很吓人。Those hair-raising performances can be scary.

对话 A: I don't like acrobatics. 我不喜欢杂技表演。

B: Yes, those hair-raising performances can be scary. 是啊,那些惊险的表演很吓人。

❿ 他们的表演惊心动魄。Their performance is breathtaking.