
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-05  



1. Clean(清洁): To make something free from dirt, marks, or stains.

2. Dirty(脏): Covered or marked with an unclean substance.

3. Tidy(整洁): Arranged neatly and in order.

4. Messy(凌乱): Untidy or disordered.

5. Dust(灰尘): Fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air.

6. Wipe(擦拭): Clean or dry (something) by rubbing its surface with a cloth, a piece of paper, or one's hand.

7. Sweep(扫): Clean (a room, pavement, etc.) by brushing away dirt or litter.

8. Mop(拖把): A tool for washing floors.

9. Vacuum cleaner(吸尘器): A machine that uses suction to remove dust and dirt from floors and other surfaces.

10. Detergent(洗涤剂): A water-soluble cleansing agent which combines with impurities and dirt to make them more soluble.

11. Rinse(冲洗): Wash (something) with clean water to remove soap, detergent, dirt, or impurities.

12. Scrub(擦洗): Rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them.

13. Sanitize(消毒): Make clean and hygienic.

14. Disinfect(消毒): Clean (something), especially with a chemical, in order to destroy bacteria.

15. Polish(擦亮): Make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it.

关于清洁的英语对话 带翻译

A: I think we need to clean the house this weekend. It's getting quite messy.


B: That sounds like a good idea. We should start with vacuuming the carpets. They're full of dust.


A: Yes, and we also need to mop the floors in the kitchen and bathroom. They're dirty.


B: Don't forget about the windows. They need a good wipe.


A: Of course. And we should also sanitize the kitchen countertops. We don't want any bacteria there.


B: Agreed. And let's use that new detergent for the laundry. It's supposed to be really effective.


A: Sounds like a plan. Let's get started!


关于清洁的英语作文 带翻译

Cleanliness is an essential aspect of our lives that contributes to our well-being and overall health. It involves maintaining a neat and tidy environment, personal hygiene, and cleanliness in our surroundings. In this essay, we will discuss the significance of cleanliness and its impact on our lives.

1. Personal Hygiene:

Personal hygiene plays a vital role in preventing the spread of diseases and maintaining good health. It includes practices such as regular handwashing, brushing teeth, taking showers, and wearing clean clothes. By practicing good personal hygiene, we can prevent the transmission of germs and protect ourselves and those around us.

2. Environmental Cleanliness:

Keeping our surroundings clean is crucial for a healthy and safe living environment. Regular cleaning of our homes, offices, and public spaces helps eliminate dirt, dust, and allergens, reducing the risk of respiratory problems and allergies. A clean environment also promotes mental well-being and enhances productivity.

3. Importance of Clean Water and Food:

Clean water and food are essential for our well-being. By maintaining cleanliness in food preparation areas, we can prevent the contamination of food and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Similarly, clean and safe drinking water is vital to prevent waterborne diseases. Proper sanitation practices and hygiene standards should be followed to ensure the safety of our water and food supply.

4. Cleanliness and Disease Prevention:

Cleanliness plays a significant role in disease prevention. Regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces can help eliminate germs and reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Proper waste management and sanitation practices are also essential to prevent the breeding of pests and the transmission of diseases.

Cleanliness is not just about appearance; it is a fundamental aspect of maintaining good health and well-being. By practicing personal hygiene, keeping our surroundings clean, and ensuring clean water and food, we can prevent the spread of diseases and create a safe and healthy environment for ourselves and others. Let us embrace cleanliness as a way of life and contribute to building a cleaner and healthier society.


1. 个人卫生:


2. 环境清洁:


3. 清洁水源和食物的重要性:


4. 清洁与疾病预防:




❶ 我一起床就去刷牙洗脸。As soon as I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face.

对话 A: What do you do after you get up every morning? 每天早上起床后,你干什么?

B: As soon as I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 我一起床就去刷牙洗脸。

❷ 你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?

同类表达 Have you washed your face? 你洗脸了吗?

I need to get changed. 我需要换下衣服。

这样回答 Yes, I have./No, I haven't.

❸ 把头发梳一下。Comb your hair.

同类表达 I have to brush my hair. 我得梳梳头发。

❹ 我要把胡子刮掉。I need to shave off my beard.

对话 A: I need to shave off my beard. 我要把胡子刮掉。

B: Besides this, I think you need to cut your hair short. 除此之外,你还要把头发剪短。

❺ 它会堵塞毛孔吗?Will it clog my pores?

同类表达 Is this alcohol-free? 这是无酒精的吗?

对话 A: My skin is very sensitive. Will it clog my pores? 我皮肤很敏感。它会堵塞毛孔吗?

B: No, it won't. 不,不会的。

❻ 不要挤黑头。Don't squeeze the blackheads.

对话 A: How do I get rid of blackheads? 我怎样才能除掉黑头?

B: Don't squeeze the blackheads or you'll get pockmarks. 不要挤黑头否则会留下麻点。

❼ 我常使用这种面膜。I use this facial mask often.

对话 A: How do you care your skin? 你怎样护理皮肤?

B: I use this facial mask often. 我常使用这种面膜。

❽ 抹点护肤液吧。Put some lotion on your face.

同类表达 Apply some lotion on your face. 抹点乳液吧。

Please apply some sunscreen in order to protect your skin from sunburn. 为了避免皮肤被晒伤,请涂些防晒霜吧。

❾ 你多久敷一次面膜?How often do you use a facial mask?

对话 A: How often do you use a facial mask? 你多久敷一次面膜?

B: I use this reviving facial mask twice a week. 我每周敷两次这种活肤面膜。

❿ 我通常化淡妆。I often put on light make-up.
