
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-30  



Expressway / Highway / Freeway: 高速公路

Lane: 车道

Median Strip: 中央分隔带

Speed Limit: 限速

Traffic Congestion: 交通拥堵

Interchange: 立交桥

On-Ramp: 上匝道

Off-Ramp: 下匝道

Toll Plaza: 收费站

Overpass: 天桥

Underpass: 地下通道

Rest Area: 休息区

Service Area: 服务区


Highways are the arteries of modern transportation, providing a swift and efficient means of moving people and goods across vast distances. They are designed with multiple lanes and a central median strip to ensure smooth traffic flow and safety. The speed limit on highways is typically higher than on regular roads, allowing for faster travel times.

Highways play a crucial role in the economy by facilitating trade and commerce. They connect cities and rural areas, making it easier to transport agricultural products to markets and manufactured goods to consumers. This connectivity also helps in the distribution of essential services and resources.

Moreover, highways contribute to the reduction of traffic congestion in urban areas. By providing an alternative route for long-distance travel, they help to alleviate the pressure on city streets. Additionally, the strategic placement of rest and service areas along highways ensures that travelers have access to amenities, enhancing the overall travel experience.

In conclusion, highways are an integral part of our infrastructure, offering numerous benefits such as time-saving, economic growth, and improved connectivity. As we continue to develop and expand our transportation networks, the significance of highways will only grow.






❶ 过桥时需要付费。You have to pay a toll when you cross the bridge.

❷ 由于大雾,高速公路被封路了。The expressway is blocked due to the heavy fog.

对话 A: I think we should take another road. The expressway is blocked due to the heavy fog. 我觉得我们应该走另一条路。由于大雾,高速公路被封路了。

B: Damn it! I am trying to catch my flight. 真该死!我正努力往机场赶呢。

❸ 我该走哪条公路?Which highway should I take?

对话 A: Which highway should I take? 我该走哪条公路?

B: We should take the left one. 我们应该走左边的。

❹ 不要占用应急车道!Don't occupy the emergency lane!

对话 A: Don't occupy the emergency lane! 不要占用应急车道!

B: I see. 我知道的。

❺ 我要给你开张罚单。I'm going to give you a ticket.

对话 A: Excuse me, Sir. You were driving too fast! And I'm going to give you a ticket. 打扰一下,先生,你刚才开得太快了!我要给你开张罚单。

B: I'm sorry. I didn't notice the speed limit. 不好意思,我没注意到时速限制。

❻ 哦,我错过了出口!Oh, I missed the exit!

对话 A: Oh, I missed the exit! What should I do? 哦,我错过了出口!我该怎么办?

B: You have no choice but to go out at the next exit. 你只能在下一个路口出去了。

❼ 你看见沿路的里程标志了吗?Have you seen the milepost along the road?

对话 A: Have you seen the milepost along the road? 你看见沿路的里程标志了吗?

B: I didn't notice. What? 我没注意到,怎么了?

A: We need to go out at the next exit. 我们需要在下一个出口出去。

❽ 不要总是变换车道。Don't change lanes too often.

❾ 过隧道的时候要打开大灯。Turn on the headlights when you are inside a tunnel.

对话 A: Turn on the headlights when you are inside a tunnel. 过隧道的时候要打开大灯。

B: Thank you for reminding me. 多谢提醒。

❿ 公路的交通十分便利。The traffic on the highway is very convenient.