
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-21  



  1. Punctuality

    • Example: Punctuality is important in the workplace.

    • 翻译:守时在职场中很重要。

  2. Tardiness

    • Example: His tardiness to class often results in missing important announcements.

    • 翻译:他上课迟到常常导致错过重要的通知。

  3. Attendance

    • Example: Good attendance is crucial for academic success.

    • 翻译:良好的出勤对学业成功至关重要。

  4. Absenteeism

    • Example: High absenteeism can affect team performance.

    • 翻译:高缺勤率会影响团队表现。

  5. Discipline

    • Example: The school has strict discipline policies regarding lateness.

    • 翻译:学校对迟到有严格的纪律政策。

  6. Excuse

    • Example: You need a valid excuse for being late.

    • 翻译:你需要一个合理的理由来解释迟到。

  7. Timeliness

    • Example: Timeliness is appreciated in all professional settings.

    • 翻译:在所有职业环境中,及时性是被赞赏的。

  8. Work ethic

    • Example: A strong work ethic includes being on time.

    • 翻译:良好的职业道德包括准时到达。

  9. Schedule

    • Example: Sticking to a schedule can help prevent lateness.

    • 翻译:遵守时间表可以帮助防止迟到。

  10. Deadline

    • Example: Meeting deadlines requires effective time management.

    • 翻译:按时完成任务需要有效的时间管理。

  11. Clock in

    • Example: Employees are required to clock in by 9 AM.

    • 翻译:员工需要在早上9点之前打卡。

  12. Clock out

    • Example: Don’t forget to clock out before leaving the office.

    • 翻译:离开办公室之前不要忘记打卡。

  13. Prompt

    • Example: Being prompt shows respect for others’ time.

    • 翻译:准时表现出对他人时间的尊重。

  14. Time management

    • Example: Good time management skills can reduce lateness.

    • 翻译:良好的时间管理技能可以减少迟到。

  15. Traffic jam

    • Example: I was late because of a traffic jam.

    • 翻译:我因为交通堵塞而迟到。

  16. Overtime

    • Example: Working overtime can sometimes lead to late departures.

    • 翻译:加班有时会导致迟退。

  17. Professionalism

    • Example: Professionalism includes being on time for meetings.

    • 翻译:职业素养包括准时参加会议。

  18. Notification

    • Example: Notify your boss if you will be late.

    • 翻译:如果你迟到,通知你的老板。

  19. Attendance record

    • Example: Your attendance record will affect your grade.

    • 翻译:你的出勤记录会影响你的成绩。

  20. Time off

    • Example: Taking time off can help prevent burnout.

    • 翻译:请假可以帮助防止职业倦怠。


Being on time is a crucial aspect of both academic and professional life. Punctuality shows respect for others and demonstrates a strong work ethic. When students arrive late to class, they not only disrupt the lesson but also miss important information. Similarly, employees who are consistently late to work can affect their team's productivity and morale.

There are various reasons people may be late or leave early, such as traffic, family obligations, or health issues. However, it is essential to communicate these reasons to teachers or employers. Having a valid excuse can help mitigate the consequences of tardiness.

On the other hand, frequently leaving early can also be seen as a lack of commitment. Employers appreciate employees who stay until the end of the workday, as it shows dedication to their tasks and responsibilities. To avoid being late or leaving early, effective time management is vital. Planning ahead, setting reminders, and being aware of one’s schedule can significantly reduce instances of tardiness.

In conclusion, being on time is essential for success in both school and work. It fosters a positive environment and helps maintain professionalism. Therefore, everyone should strive to improve their punctuality for a better future.






❶ 你都迟到一小时了!You have been one hour late!

这样回答 I'm so sorry. It will never happen again. 真的非常抱歉,不会再有下次了。

❷ 她总是迟到早退。She always came to work late and left early.

同类表达 She's been late to work quite a bit these days. 她最近上班总是迟到。

❸ 他可能在路上耽搁了。Traffic is probably holding him up.

对话 A: Do you know why he hasn't come yet? 你知道他为什么还没来吗?

B: Traffic is probably holding him up. 他可能在路上耽搁了。

❹ 他一定睡过头了。He must have overslept.

对话 A: John has been late for two hours. 约翰已经迟了两小时了。

B: He must have overslept. 他一定是睡过头了。

❺ 由于交通不畅,我今早上班迟到了。Due to the bad traffic, I was late for work this morning.

同类表达 The traffic jam blocked me for half an hour. 交通阻塞堵了我半小时。

The bus was late. 公交车晚点了。

❻ 我不知跟你说过多少次不要迟到。Several times have I told you not to be late.

这样回答 I swear not to be late again. 我发誓再也不迟到了。

❼ 今天早上我的闹钟坏了。My alarm clock didn't work this morning.

同类表达 I misjudged the time. 我弄错了时间。

My alarm clock failed this morning. This is the third time in a month. 我的闹钟今天早上没响。这已经是一个月内第三次了。

❽ 我想提前一小时下班。I want to knock off an hour earlier.

对话 A: I want to knock off an hour earlier. 我想提前一小时下班。

B: You'd better ask for one hour's leave. 你最好请一小时的假。

❾ 这就是我早退的原因。This is the reason why I left early.

同类表达 My left turn signal was out so I had to make all right turns to get to the company. 我的左转灯坏了,所以我得一路右转才能到公司。

❿ 她这个月已经连续两次早退了。She took two early leaves in a row this month.

对话 A: She took two early leaves in a row this month. You know why? 她这个月已经连续两次早退了。你知道为什么吗?

B: I heard that her husband is in hospital. 我听说她丈夫住院了。