
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-05-21      

to the gills gill /gɪl/ n. (鱼等的)鳃 used in expressions to mean completely full 满了;饱了;满满当当 The idiom apparently has simplistic origins, coming from a description of how fish are often prepared before cooking. When they're sliced and filled with herbs, spices, or other tidbits, they're usually stuffed all the way to their gills. 这个成语有一个简单的起源,它来自于对鱼在烹饪前如何准备的描述。鱼会从头到尾被切成薄片并填进香料或其他花饰时,它们通常会一直填到腮的部位。 By the time the fourth course was served, I was stuffed to the gills. 第四道菜上来的时候,我都撑到嗓子眼了。 The restaurant was packed to the gills. 这家饭店已经座满。