
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-04-23      

tongue in cheek 形容词 tongue-in-cheek If you say something tongue in cheek, you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious. 开玩笑地;说着玩地 tongue in cheek 这个习语指的是用舌头在口腔里抵到你的脸颊上,使它看起来鼓鼓的。这个面部动作意味着刚才说的话不用当真。这种半开玩笑的动作其实就和眨眼差不多,意思是你懂的,我在开玩笑。 例句: His comments were intended to be tongue in cheek, but his friends took it seriously and that started a huge argument. 他的话本来是开玩笑的,但他的朋友们却当真了,于是引发了一场巨大的争论。