
所属栏目:英语口语    2023-07-03      

dyed in the wool /ˌdaɪ.dɪn.ðəˈwʊl/ dyed in the wool以染色的织物来比喻人。染色有两个办法,一是生染,即原毛(wool)纺成纱之后就染色(dye in the wool),可以染得彻底;一是把纱织成布之后才染色(dye in the piece),但这样颜色比较易褪。用以喻人或信仰,dyed in the wool就是「彻头彻尾的」或「根深蒂固的」。 If someone is dyed-in-the-wool, or has dyed-in-the-wool opinions, they hold those opinions strongly and will not change them. 固执己见的,顽固的 例: He's a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned - he doesn't allow any modern gadgets in the kitchen. 在烹饪方面他是个彻头彻尾的传统主义者——他不使用任何现代厨房炊具。