所属栏目:英语口语 2025-02-18
toss/flip a coin toss 表示“扔,抛,掷”;flip也有类似的意思表示“轻抛(翻面)”。而toss/flip a coin则是一种常见的做决定的方式,通常用于小事或没有明确偏好的情况下。 to decide something by throwing a coin up in the air and seeing which side is shown after it lands 掷硬币:把一枚硬币抛向空中,看硬币落地后露出哪一面来决定某事 When people have to decide between two things, they might do a coin flip. This involves assigning options to the sides of a coin, flicking it into the air, and then going with the option that lands face up. 当人们需要在两件事情之间做出决定时,他们可能会掷硬币。这包括将选项分配到硬币的两面,将硬币抛向空中,然后选择正面朝上的选项。 Let's toss a coin. Heads, we don't go; tails, we do. 让我们抛硬币吧。正面,我们不去;反面,我们去。