- 不规则的条纹会让潜在的配偶知道有人没有达到标准。
- Irregular stripes would let potential mates know that someone was not up to snuff .
- 对于你的第二个问题,即你感觉你的老板对技术不够精通:如何保证不让他的缺点阻碍你的发展,这完全取决于你。
- Now , about your second issue , to wit , your perception that your boss 's technical knowledge isn 't up to snuff : it 's up to you to make sure his shortcomings don 't hold you back .
- 布莱克则反其道而行之,决心重振公司受损的客户服务声誉,削减成本,但不伤士气。
- Blake reversed that tactic and set to get the company 's damaged customer service reputation back up to snuff and cut costs without killing morale .